Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Ashes (Bronze) | Complete mission 8: "Ashes".
Ballard's Crossing (Bronze) | Complete mission 5: "Ballard's Crossing".
Family Reunion (Bronze) | Meet Logan face-to-face in "The Source".
Harvest Season (Bronze) | Complete mission 3: "Harvest Season".
Homecoming (Bronze) | Complete mission 1: "Homecoming".
Making An Entrance (Bronze) | Detonate the rift bomb in "The Pit".
Man vs. Machine (Bronze) | Defeat the mech in "Harvest Season".
Only the Beginning.. (Gold) | Complete the campaign on Mercenary difficulty.
Rest In Peace, Logan (Bronze) | Complete the campaign on Normal difficulty or higher.
Savior of the Spur (Silver) | Complete the campaign on Hard difficulty or higher.
Sever (Bronze) | Complete mission 9: "Sever".
The Freightway (Bronze) | Complete mission 2: "The Freightway".
The Harder They Fall (Bronze) | Defeat the Apex Warrior in "The Pipeline".
The Pipeline (Bronze) | Complete mission 4: "The Pipeline".
The Pit (Bronze) | Complete mission 7: "The Pit".
The Source (Bronze) | Complete mission 10: "The Source".
Train Robbery (Bronze) | Complete mission 6: "Train Robbery".