College Superstar Mode Walkthrough (credit To The Original Cheat Giver) :
A. Creating your student-athlete [b101]
The first thing you've got to do is pick your name and all that stuff. I don't have to walk you through any of that stuff. Just pick your name, number, height, weight, etc.
B. Choosing a position [b102]
First things first, you do not want to create yourself as a qb, under any circumstances. Now you're going to say "but what if I want to be a qb?!" well, you still can! You can change your position after every season, so if you really want to be a qb, you can change your guy's position after the first year (or second year). The reason I say you shouldn't choose to be a qb is because qbs can only get a maximum of 3 points every time you do a position drill (more on those later), while other positions can receive a max of 4 points.
The first thing you need to do when deciding on a position is to figure out which position drill you are the best at. It's different for everybody.
For me, personally, I am awesome at the db cover drill, and can get the max amount of points every time I do that drill. So maybe you'll start off as a db for your first year. Or maybe a lb. Whatever position drill you feel the most comfortable with, that is the position you should choose.
========================================================================= = = = iii. Spring drills [c100] = = = =========================================================================
A. Important info [c101]
Just so everybody knows, the max amount of points you can gain for any given drill is 16 points. So if you gain anything less than 16 points, just know that you could've done better. Since you'll have a total of 5 drills, you can do some simple math.
16 (pts. Per drill) x 5 (drills) = 80 (possible pts. You can assign to your player)
A. 40 yard dash [c102]
Here is the first part that a large number of people (*cough*noobs!) Run into trouble. The dreaded 40 yard dash. Basically, what you've got to do is tap x as fast as you possibly can.
Please note:
----your 40 yard dash does **not** determine your speed rating----
The most important thing in the 40 yard dash is your reaction time. In other words, you have to try to time your start so that you start tapping x at the same time as the gun is fired (or the word "go" shows up on your screen).
Be patient!!
You have to wait for the "ready" and the "set" before you can start tapping x. Watch your player. See how he puts his hand down and gets into his stance? Do not start tapping x before that. When you see the word "set" on your screen, you'll probably have to wait another second before you can start tapping x, otherwise you'll get a fault every single time.
There really isn't much of a strategy when it comes to the 40 yard dash. It all depends on how fast you can tap the x button. If you're a long time gamer, then you really shouldn't have too much of a problem with this drill. But if you really don't have much of a history with video games, chances are that you might struggle with this drill. Don't worry! My best friend has a lot of trouble tapping the x button fast, and he was still able to run in the 4.20s.
Some tips:
You can try setting the controller on a hard surface, and then just tapping the x button with your index finger. Some people prefer holding the controller with their left hand and then tapping the x button with their right thumb. Don't be afraid to experiment a little. Whatever you've got to do to get the 16 points, just do it!
What you're aiming for, in the 40 yard dash, is putting up at least two very good times. Even if you get a fault for one of your 3 attempts, you can still gain the max points.
When I did this drill (with my 6'1, 215 lb. Ss), I ran a 4.21 on my first try, then received a fault for my second try, and ran a 4.26 on my third try. I ended up receiving the maximum of 16 points for this drill.
So if you're able to have at least 2 runs under the 4.3 range (I知 assuming), then that should probably be good enough to get the max 16 points on this drill.
C. Other drills [c103]
At this point, since this is only version 1 of this FAQ, I do not have info/help/tips for other position-specific drills. Those will be added in the future. Just remember, the most points you can gain for any drill is 16 points, so if you receive anything less than 16 points for any given drill, you should restart the drill.
I haven't done position-specific drills, so I can't tell you just how many points you need to put up in position-specific drills to gain the max of 16 points. Those will be added in the future. What I can tell you, however, is that a good number to shoot for in these other drills is probably around 1000+ points.
D. Kick return/punt return [c104]
Yes, these drills are annoying. A lot of people really don't like the camera angle for the return drills. There's nothing you can really do to change that, so you've just got to deal with it.
A good rule of thumb for the kick return and punt return drills, is that if you're able to return one for a td, and another one to at least mid-field, then that should most likely be good enough to receive the max of 16.
There aren't really any strategies. If there is a man directly in front of you, you should try to either juke him or spin away from him. Since you can't really see if anybody is coming at you from the side, you don't really know when you should stiff arm. But you should just stick close to the sidelines, and if you do see a man, just try to stiff arm him out of your way. Another good thing to do is follow you池e blocking as best as you can, even though a lot of times your blockers will do a very poor job of blocking for you.
E. Adding your attribute points [c105]
If you have received the maximum of 16 points for all of your drills, you should have a (whopping!) 80 points you can use for your attributes. That's really not too bad. The first thing you need to do when adding your attribute points is keep in mind what I said about those position drills.
If your position drill requires a lot of speed, then you should add a lot of points to your speed rating. If it requires jumping, then add jumping.
Now, I know if you're one of those people who wants to be a qb, you're going to be tempted to add points to throw power and throw accuracy. Don't!
When adding points, the most important thing is to give yourself the attribute points needed for your position drill. Then, during the span of the season, you can focus on adding attribute points to the attributes needed for your position.
Like I mentioned before, I am very good at the db cover drill. So the very first thing I did was add points to my speed, agility, acceleration, and jumping, since those are the attributes I値l need for the db cover drill.
Even though awareness doesn't really matter for position drills, you should still consider adding some points to awareness, just because that will raise your overall rating, and our goal here is to create a 5-star prospect.
If you added your points the right way, your player should be anywhere from a 79-85 overall. My player was an 84, I believe. Anything above 80 should probably be good enough to make you a 5-star prospect, which will automatically give you a 50% popularity rating (more on that later), as well as letting you choose which school to go to.
F. Choosing your school [c106]
If you've followed my instructions so far, you should be a 5-star prospect, and you should be able to choose any school in the nation for your scholarship. You could just go with your favorite school, but they might be rated really low in the game. If you choose to go to a top-rated school, then you will most likely have a much easier time winning the national championship, and your school will have a better chance of snatching up the top recruits, which will benefit you, because you're going to want to have a lot of talent around you.
========================================================================= = = = IV. Freshman year [d100] = = = =========================================================================
A. Choosing a major [d101]
The first thing you'll need to do is choose a major. The majors come in three categories, easy, medium, and hard. Here are a few things you need to remember, when choosing a major:
-easy majors require only one (1) study session per week to maintain your GPA. -medium majors require two (2) study sessions per week to maintain your GPA. -hard majors require three (3) study sessions per week to maintain your GPA.
So think about it. If you choose a hard major, then that will leave you with only 2 days per week to use for position drills/social events. If you choose an easy major, then you will have 4 free days a week, which you can use for position drills/social events.
So here is what you need to do:
****choose an easy major****
Yeah, you heard me right. Choose an easy major. You can choose sports geography, for example. Or ia nicknames. Whatever you feel the most comfortable with. Just make sure you choose any easy major.
B. Your personal schedule [d102]
You will have to follow a certain schedule. On mondays-fridays, you can choose your own evening activity. On Saturdays and Sundays, you can only play your game, nothing else.
So basically, this means that you will have five (5) days a week to do whatever you wish. Mornings are always classes, and those are always simmed. You can't choose to skip class, unfortunately. In the afternoons, you'll always have your team practices, which you can either participate in, or just simulate. You should choose to sim them every time.
You may ask yourself, "hey! Why are you telling me not to practice?!?!?!"
Here is my response:
"I知 supposed to be the franchise player, and we're in here talking about practice. I mean listen, we're talking about practice. Not a game ... We're talking about practice. Not a game ... That I go out there and die for, and play every game like it's my last. Not the game. We're talking about practice, man. I mean, how silly is that? We're talking about practice. I know I知 supposed to be there. I know I知 supposed to lead by example ... I know it's important ... I honestly do. But we're talking about practice, man. What are we talking about? Practice? We're talking about practice, man... We're talking about practice. We're talking about practice. We aren稚 talking about the game; we're talking about practice, man. When you come into the arena, and you see me play ... You see me give everything I got, right? But we're talking about practice right now. We're talking about practice... We're not even talking about the game, the actual game, when it matters. We're talking about practice."
ツ?? Allen Iverson [source:]
But on a serious practices really don't matter. If you practice a certain formation (such as I-formation, or a 4-3), then you will receive a small attributes increase for that formation. But it really won't matter, since you will have a 99 rating for all of your attributes once you're done reading this FAQ. ;)
In the evenings, you get to choose your evening activity. Here are your choices:
1) Study (takes 1 night) 2) tutor session (takes 2 nights) 3) position drills (takes 2 nights) 4) social activity (takes 1 night)
Now, if you want to become a 99 overall as fast as possible, while still maintaining a solid gpa, as well as having a 100% popularity rating, here is the schedule you will have to follow:
Monday evening: position drill
Tuesday evening: position drill (sim)
Wednesday evening: study
Thursday evening: position drill
Friday evening: position drill (sim)
Weekend play your game, or sim it. Your choice.
If you follow this schedule, then you will maintain your GPA (since you will be studying once a week), and you will also gain 8 attribute points every week.
**never choose an evening activity in your freshman year**
The reason I say that is because in your freshman year, your main goal is to maintain a decent GPA (just so that you are still eligible to play in every game) and building up your attributes. In your sophomore, junior, and senior seasons, you can choose social activities much more often.
After about a month or two, you should become a 99 overall already. Just keep adding attribute points until you have a 99 in every category, or at least all the categories you need for your position, since you may not need certain categories (kick power/accuracy, run/pass blocking, etc.)
========================================================================= = = = v. Sophomore year [e100] = = = =========================================================================
A. Your personal schedule [e101]
In your sophomore year, you should already be a 99 overall, and you should also be pretty close to maxing out your player. For your sophomore year, you should just worry about maxing out your player's attributes, while still maintaining a decent GPA, just like your freshman year.
Monday evening: position drill
Tuesday evening: position drill (sim)
Wednesday evening: study
Thursday evening: position drill
Friday evening: position drill (sim)
Weekend either play or sim your team's game.
That's about all there is to it. Your sophomore year is basically the same as your freshman year. Just keep following that schedule until your player is maxed out.
========================================================================= = = = VI. Junior & senior years [f100] = = = =========================================================================
A. Your personal schedule [f101]
Now that you're a maxed out, 99 overall player, you won't need to participate in position drills anymore, so you're free to do whatever. Here is what your schedule is going to look like:
Monday evening: study
Tuesday evening: social activity
Wednesday evening: social activity
Thursday evening: social activity
Friday evening: social activity
Weekend play your game or sim it.
If you really wanted to, you could replace some (or all) of the social activities with study sessions, but that's only if you really wanted to raise your GPA, and have a 4.0 GPA. But I知 assuming you don't want that, and you'd rather have a 100% popularity rating, so therefore just choose social activities.
If you've followed my steps correctly all the way through this guide, your final result should be a maxed out player with a 100% popularity rating, and a decent/good GPA (depending on how much studying you did). |