Complete the indicated task to unoock the corresponding stage.
Battle of Guang Zhong: Increase the bond between Sima Yi and Masamune Date.
Battle of Jian Ge: Increase the bond between Mori Monotari and Jia Xu.
Battle of Jie Ting: Increase the bond between Xing Cai and Maeda Keiji.
Battle of Komaki Nagakute: Increase the bond between Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong and Hattori Hanzo.
Battle of Liang Zhou: Increase the bond between Liu-Chan and Guan Suo.
Battle of Mikatagahara: Increase the bond between Lian Shi, Lu Meng and Masanori Fukushima.
Battle of Nan Zhong: Increase the bond between Zhu Rong, Meng Huo and Zhang He.
Battle of Tao shui: Increase the bond between Lian Shi, Ishikawa Goemon and Hashiba Hideyoshi.
Battle of Xing Shi: Increase the bond between Tachibana Ginchiyo, Xiao Qiao, Sun Shang Xiang.
Tedorigawa Kikousen: Increase the bond between Zuo Ci, Benkei and Xu Huang.