All cheat codes start with '=' or '4' (if = doesn't work, try 4), and can be typed in anywhere. Type them slowly if you are having trouble getting them to show up. Many of the cheatcodes mark you as having cheated. Your save games will be marked as 'cheated' and you will be will be unable to post to leaderboards or get achievements. If you restart the game and don't load any cheated save games, you will be able to post to leaderboards and get Achievements again. There's a hidden cheat code in the last level - watch the waves of flyers, they'll spell out something special.
Effect | Code
Gives 100k resources | =dnamuse
Kills all aliens on the map | =chezanator
Kills all aliens with cores | =kristalithan
The tides are turned on aliens who try to pick up cores | =indesilvermoon
Turns on/off the ability for aliens to pick up cores | =jeanmarie