How To Take Down Hammer Spammers Online :
I know many people are annoyed by the countless Hammer Spamming on MSC wifi matches. For those who don't know what Hammer Spamming is, it is when someone takes advantage of Hammer Bros. Deke and flattens all the opponents, then he gets close, charges up his shot for an unstoppable goal. Here is how to stop it:
1.Make sure you have at least 2 fast players on your team. An example would be Dry Bones
2.Now use that character to approach the Hammer Bros, who has the ball. This is where your oppoenent will begin to use the deke.
3.Now this involves timing. Keep your distance but do not get too far away. Once his hammer touches the ground, flick your wrist to tackle the Hammer Bros. This trick always works for me and once you get the timing right, Hammer Spammin won't bother you.
Now you can also stop Hammer Spamming by using items. So use the above technique when you don't have an item like red shell, chain chop, etc. |