Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character.
Character | How to unlock
Drew McIntyre | Win the "Pride Of Scotland" Fantasy Warfare match with Drew McIntyre.
Eddie Guerrero | Win the "Greatest High Flyer" Fantasy Warfare match with Eddie Guerrero.
Edge | Win the "Excellence Of Execution" Fantasy Warfare match with Edge.
Jack Swagger | Win the "Stars & Stripes Showdown" Fantasy Warfare match with Jack Swagger.
Jimmy Snuka | Win the "Ruthless Aggression" Fantasy Warfare match with Jimmy Snuka.
Kane | Win the "Ruthless Aggression" Fantasy Warfare match with Kane.
The Miz | Win the "Perfectly Awesome" Fantasy Warfare match with The Miz.
Mr. Perfect | Win the "Perfectly Awesome" Fantasy Warfare match with Mr. Perfect.
Sgt. Slaughter | Win the "Stars & Stripes Showdown" Fantasy Warfare match with Sgt. Slaughter.
Shawn Michaels | Win the "Mr. Wrestlemania" Fantasy Warfare match with Shawn Michaels.