Combine the indicated items to create the corresponding weapon.
Air Horn: Pylon + Spray Paint
Auger: Pitchfork + Drill Motor
Beer Hat: Beer + Construction Hat
Blambow: Bow and Arrow + Dynamite (search the movie poster on the south side of Cucina Donnacci)
Blazing Aces: Tennis Racket + Tiki Torch (Rescue Left Hand Lance for the "Tape It Or Die 2" side mission)
Blitzkreig: Electric Chair + LMG or Merc Assault Rifle
Boomstick: Shotgun + Pitchfork
Burning Skull: Bull Skull + Motor Oil (pay the fortune teller outside of One Little Duck Bingo $1,200,000)
Defiler: Sledge Hammer + Fire Axe
Drill Bucket: Power Drill + Bucket
Driller: Power Drill + Spear
Dynameat: Hunk of Meat + Dynamite
Electric Chair: Wheelchair + Battery
Electric Rake: Leaf Rake + Battery
Exsanguinator: Vacuum Cleaner + Saw Blade (rescue Wallace Hertzog for "Tape It Or Die 2" side mission)
Fire Splitter: Toy Spitball Gun + Tiki Torch
Flamethrower: Water Gun + Gasoline Canister (defeat Slappy)
Flaming Gloves: Boxing Gloves + Motor Oil
Fountain Lizard: Lizard Mask + Fountain Fireworks
Freedom Bear: Robot Bear + LMG (searcg the poster for the Clint Rockfoot movie "Stop Or My Bear Will Shoot!" outside the men's bathroom in the Yucatan Casino)
Freezer Bomb: Fire Extinguisher + Dynamite
Gem Blower: Gems + Leaf Blower
Hacker: Flashlight + Computer Case
Hail Mary: Football + Grenade
Handychipper: Wheelchair + Lawnmower
Heliblade: Toy Helicopter + Machete
Holy Arms: Training Sword + Box of Nails (search the "Pit Viking" poster in the Atlantica Casino near the fortune park entrance)
I.E.D.: Box of Nails + Propane Tank
Infernal Arms: Training Sword + Motor Oil
Knife Gloves: Boxing Gloves + Bowie Knife
Laser Sword: Gems + Flashlight (search the poster behind counter at the movie theater on Platinum Strip)
Molotov: Whiskey + Newspaper
Paddlesaw: Paddle + Chainsaw (search the "Paddle Party Massacre" poster in front of Slot Ranch Casino)
Parablower: Parasol + Leaf Blower
Plate Launcher: Plates + Round Saw (complete the "Tape It Or Die 1" side mission)
Pole Weapon: Push Broom + Machete
Porta-mower: Lawnmower + 2"x 4"
Power Guitar: Electric Guitar + Amplifier (rescue Floyd Stone in the "Rock Heroes" side mission)
Ripper: Cement Saw + Saw Blade
Roaring Thunder: Goblin Mask + Battery
Rocket Launcher: Lead Pipe + Rocket Fireworks (defeat Magicians)
Spiked Bat: Baseball Bat + a Box of Nails (get the key to the Maintenance level)
Sticky Bomb: Lawn Dart + Dynamite
Super B.F.G: B.F.G. + Amplifier
Super Slicer: Servbot Mask + Lawnmower
Tenderizers: Box of Nails + MMA gloves (search the poster in front of Casual Gal's store in Royal Flush Plaza)
Tesla Ball: Bingo Ball Cage + Battery
Wingman: Queen + Nectar (Orange Juice + Orange Juice)
Zombie Thrower: Leaf Blower + Spear
Additionally you can create vehicle-weapon combinations after you unlock the motorcycle trailer by completing the "Here Come The Contestants" mission.
Chainsaw Motorcycle: Motorcycle + Chainsaw
Machine Gun Motorcycle: Motorcycle + LMG |