Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
A REALLY bad bug (Silver) | Defeat the Contessa again.
A bad bug (Silver) | Defeat the Contessa.
A friend in flames (Bronze) | Buy the Fists of Flames on the ThiefNet.
Ace of dodge (Bronze) | Buy the Combat Dodge on the ThiefNet.
An unlikely bandit (Platinum) | Obtain every trophy in Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
Artistic snobism (Bronze) | With Sly, silently replace a canvas.
Bottled (Bronze) | Find 20 bottles containing a message.
Careful, it's spicy! (Silver) | Defeat Rajan.
Digestive troubles (Silver) | Find the Clockwerk's stomach.
Elk head (Silver) | Steal the elk costume for Murray.
Emprisoned (Bronze) | Free Carmelita from the Contessa.
Exact money change (Silver) | Get 1,000 coins.
Fiery fox (Bronze) | Complete the prologue in Cairo by escaping Carmelita.
Fox-trot lesson (Bronze) | Dance with Carmelita.
Gold medal (Silver) | Defeat Jean Bison.
Gotta fine'em all! (Bronze) | Find 15 bottles containing a message.
Heads or tails (Bronze) | Get 500 coins.
Ornithodentist (Gold) | Get every bottle containing a message.
Pickpocket (Bronze) | Get 100 coins.
Pink fits you so well! (Bronze) | Buy the Diable Fire Slam on the ThiefNet.
Pink hell plate (Bronze) | Buy the Raging Inferno Flop on the ThiefNet.
Purse-snatching (Bronze) | Steal three keys from Carmelita in Canada.
Remote control (Gold) | Buy the Trigger Bomb on the ThiefNet.
Reptile thief (Bronze) | Defeat Dimitri.
Somebody called a medic? (Bronze) | Buy the Snooze Bomb on the ThiefNet.
Spider legs (Bronze) | Steal with Contessa thrice.
Stealth (Gold) | Buy the Silent Obliteration on the ThiefNet.
Stowaway (Bronze) | Hijack the train.
Surfeit (Silver) | Knock down Neyla to save Sly.
That's really something! (Bronze) | Buy the Hover pack on the ThiefNet.
Thirsty (Bronze) | Find 30 bottles containing a message.
Thrifty (Bronze) | Buy the Paraglider on the ThiefNet.
Tick tock (Gold) | Defeat Clockeyla.
True loot (Gold) | Get 1,500 coins.
Vigorous hug (Bronze) | Force a bear attack in Canada.
Wake up! (Silver) | Buy the Alarm Clock on the ThiefNet.