Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement | How to unlock
Bunker Buster | Complete world 3.
Burst Friends | Defeat 5 enemies in a single Rocket Burst or Drill attack.
City Saviour | Complete world 1.
Devotindos Defiler | Completed Arcade Mode on Hard.
Elhorn Tourist | Completed all stages.
Ferocious Flier | Completed 1.2 having defeated all enemies.
Impatient Hero | Completed all stages below par time.
Legendary Possum | Completed gold sparkster mode.
Nimble Knight | Completed 3.2 without taking damage.
Redoubtable Runner | Completed Arcade Mode on Hard within 60 minutes.
Return of the Rocket Knights | Complete world 4.
Spark Dog Millionaire | Completed Arcade Mode scoring 1,000,000 or more.
Wolf Connoisseur | Completed 2.1 having collected all pickups.
Wolf Kingdom Conqueror | Complete world 2.
Woodland Bouncer | Defeat 3 enemies with a single reflected projectile.
Zephyrus Saviour | Completed Arcade Mode on Normal.