Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
1.21 Gigawatts! (20 points) | Using Tager, land "Spark Bolt" more than five times during a match.
Alexander the Great (20 points) | [Legion] Conquer the map on "Normal."
All Good Things (50 points) | [Story] Finished the True Ending in Story mode.
Aniki Is Watching You (10 points) | [Player Match] Observe more than 10 matches.
Are You There God? It's Me, Noel (20 points) | Using Noel, hit the opponent with her "Silencer" more than 10 times during a match.
Beachball! (20 points) | Using Hazama, keep an opponent airborne for more than 7 seconds.
BEES! (20 points) | Using Arakune, unleash a 70-hit combo.
Blood on Your Hands (30 points) | [Score Attack] Defeat Unlimited Rachel.
Ding Ding! (30 points) | [Network] Reached D-code level 50.
Ding! (10 points) | [Network] Reached D-code level 25.
Don't Touch the Merchandise (10 points) | Instant Block more than 20 times in one round.
Fatality (10 points) | Land more than 30 Fatal Counters.
For Great Justice (20 points) | Using Tsubaki, use the "D" version of every single special attack in a combo.
Four Sheets to the Wind (20 points) | Using Litchi, land "Four Winds" more than 4 times during the course of a match.
Genghis Khan (30 points) | [Legion] Conquer the map on "Hard."
Hell Yes (40 points) | [Arcade] Completed Arcade Mode on "Hell" difficulty setting.
Hold On Loosely (10 points) | Cause more than 30 Throw Reject Misses.
I Can Do This All Night (20 points) | [Training] Practiced for over one hour straight.
I Can Quit Any Time I Want! (30 points) | [Player Match] Win more than 100 matches.
I Get Around (10 points) | Use every single character.
I'm on Top of the World! (10 points) | [Player Match] Earn your first victory.
Ice-Ten (20 points) | Using Jin, freeze your opponent more than 10 times during a match.
Is...Is That All? (20 points) | [Story] Unlocked the True Ending in Story mode.
It'll Only Hurt for a Minute (10 points) | Your first Guard Crush.
Lamb to the Slaughter (20 points) | Using Lambda, land a 50-hit combo.
Level One...! (10 points) | [Story] Watch "Previously on..." and "Opening" in Story Mode.
Loincloth Festival (20 points) | Using Bang, land a total of 3 Astral Heats.
M.C. Hammer (10 points) | Escape more than 5 throws in one round.
Mint Condition (40 points) | [Gallery] Collect all of the...collectibles.
Murakumo, AWAKEN! (20 points) | Select Mu.
Napoleon Bonaparte (10 points) | [Legion] Conquer the map on "Easy."
Only the Hard, Only the Strong (30 points) | [Ranked Match] Fight more than 100 battles.
Ragna Cum Laude (20 points) | [Tutorial] Finish all your homework.
Real Ultimate Power (20 points) | Used every character's Astral Heat.
Rear Window (10 points) | [Replay Theater] Watched replays of more than 20 different matches.
Score! (40 points) | [Score Attack] Beat Score Attack mode.
Superior State of Mind (20 points) | [Challenge] Beat more than 100 challenges.
Tall, Dark, and Handsome (30 points) | [Arcade / Score Attack] Put Unlimited Ragna in his place.
Taut Taunts (20 points) | Using Taokaka, land 5 taunts over the course of a match.
That's the End of That Chapter (20 points) | [Story] View any character's canon ending in Story Mode.
The Better Part of Valor (10 points) | Do not take damage for 20 seconds while in Negative State, and win the round.
The Clap (20 points) | Using Carl, keep an opponent airborne for more than 7 seconds.
There Can Be Only One (20 points) | [Network] Fought against every character.
They Call Me MISTER Tiddles! (10 points) | Use an Astral heat for the very first time.
Twirling toward Freedom (20 points) | Using Rachel, land a "6C" attack more than 30 times during a match.
Two Men Enter. One Man Leaves. (10 points) | [Ranked Match] Earn your first victory.
Well, It's Not! (20 points) | Using Ragna, land "Not Over Yet" more than three times during a match.
Well, It's Something to Do... (30 points) | [Arcade / Score Attack] Hold your own against Unlimited Hazama.
You Broke My Heart! (10 points) | Finish an opponent immediately after a normal Break Burst.
You're Already Dead (20 points) | Using Hakumen, dish out over 10,000 damage in one combo.