At the main menu, select "Options", then "Keyboard/Mouse". Enable "Allow Developers Console". During gameplay, press "~" to access the console, then input the cheat.
Effect | Code
(Default 750) Sets the maximum range of the smoker's tongue attack"tongue_range [#]
Amount of damage you want to do to survivors | z_pounce_damage X
Amount of time before a burning Witch dies from fire (does not effect caused by fire) | z_witch_burn_time
Change zombie health | z_health
Change Zombie speed | z_speed
Commits suicide | kill
Commits suicide | explode
Disables/enables controllable Boss Infected on any map | director_no_human_zombies 0/1
Enables/Disables never ending panics | director_panic_forever 0/1
Forces a panic event | director_force_panic
Full Ammunition | give ammo
Get pistol | give pistol
Give Ammo to your primary weapon | impulse 101
Give auto shotgun | give autoshotgun
Give first aid kit | give first_aid_kit
Give full health | give health
Give gascan | give gascan
Give hunting rifle | give hunting_rifle
Give molotov | give molotov
Give oxygentank | give oxygentank
Give pain pills | give_pain_pills
Give pipe bomb | give pipe_bomb
Give propanetank | give propanetank
Give you an MK 47 (machine gun) | give rifle
Give you the SMG | z_spawn weapon_SMG
Gives bile bomb | give vomitjar
Gives chainsaw | give chainsaw
Invincibility | god
Just like god but you receive damage (sometimes if you are the only survivor left, you can't receive damage from infected | buddha 1
Makes your bot teammates shoot nonstop | sb_openfire or open_fire (console will tell)
No mob rushes | director_no_mobs [1/0]
Play in first person (default), this cheat only necessary if thirdperson mode is enabled | firstperson
Removes all bots | Ent_Remove
Sets probability of infected ceda agents carrying bile jars | sv_infected_ceda_vomitjar_probability 0.1
Sets speed in noclipping mode (default is 5) | sv_noclipspeed #
Sets the amount of damage a Witch's attack does | z_witch_damage [#]
Sets the camera to be fixed in place whle in either third person or third person shoulder mode. Enter once to turn on and enter again to turn off | thirdperson_mayamode
Sets the camera to be in third person mode | thirdperson
Sets the camera to over the shoulder third person mode | thirdpersonshoulder
Sets the maximum amount of regular zombies | z_common_limit
Sets the maximum health of the tank | z_tank_health [#]
Sets the number of seconds until the player loses control of the tank from not attacking survivors | z_frustration_lifetime [#]
Sets whether or not bots (and only bots) are allowed to do friendly fire damage | sb_friendlyfire
Shuts off all wanderers, mobs, specials, and bosses | director_stop
Spawn 1 zombie | z_spawn zombie
Spawn a active pipebomb under you | boom
Spawn a special infected | z_spawn [bossname]
Spawn a zombie horde | z_spawn mob
Spawn boomer at location of crosshair | z_spawn boomer
Spawn hunter at location of crosshair | z_spawn hunter
Spawn smoker at location of crosshair | z_spawn smoker
Spawn tank at location of crosshair | z_spawn tank
Toggles no clipping mode | noclip
True/false setting that allows the witch to change targets instead or focus on the one survivor that alerted her first | z_witch_allow_change_victim [1/0]
Unlimited ammunition | sv_infinite_ammo 1