Select "Configure" at the launcher and click the "Game" tab. Place a check in the box for "Enable Cheats" and click the "OK" button. Then, enter one of the following codes at the indicated screen to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect | Screen | Code
+1,000 Dinar one time | Inventory | [Ctrl] + X
Upgrade selected unit one time | Party | [Ctrl] + X
+1,000 experience points one time | Character | [Ctrl] + X
AI takes over your character | Battle | [Ctrl] + [F5]
Restore health | Battle | [Ctrl] + H
Damage yourself | Battle | [Ctrl] + [F3]
Increase all weapon proficiencies | Character | [Ctrl] + W
See everything except hideouts | Map | [Ctrl] + T
Teleport party | Map | [Ctrl] + Left Mouse Button
Knock single enemy unit unconscious | Battle | Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] and press [F4]
Toggle slow motion | | [Ctrl] + [F9]