Search the indicated planet to find Element Zero:
Caleston Rift, Aysur Cluster, Planet Arvuna
Caleston Rift, Balor Cluster, Planet Caleston
Crescent Nebula, Lusarn Cluster, Planet Tarith
Crescent Nebula, Zelene Cluster, Planet Helyme
Eagle Nebula, Amun Cluster, Planet Anhur
Eagle Nebula, Amun Cluster, Planet Sekhmet
Eagle Nebula, Relic Cluster, Planet Preying Mouth
Far Rim, Dholen Cluster, Planet Gotha
Hades Nexus, Sheol Cluster, Planet Gei Hinnom
Hawking Eta, Schwarzschild Cluster, Planet Etamis
Hourglass Nebula, Faryar Cluster, Planet Daratar
Hourglass Nebula, Osun Cluster, Planet Erinie
Hourglass Nebula, Ploitari Cluster, Planet Thegan
Krogan DMZ, Nith Cluster, Planet Mantun
Minos Wasteland, Caestus Cluster, Planet Invictus
Nubian Expanse, Kalabsha Cluster, Planet Yamm
Omega Nebula, Batalla Cluster, Planet Nearog
Rosetta Nebula, Alpha Draconis Cluster, Planet 2175 Aeia
Rosetta Nebula, Enoch Cluster, Planet Joab
Rosetta Nebula, Enoch Cluster, Planet Laban
Rosetta Nebula, Enoch Cluster, Planet Mizraim
Sigurd's Cradle, Decoris Cluster, Planet Sanctum
Sigurd's Cradle, Skepsis Cluster, Planet Watson
The Phoenix Massing, Salahiel Cluster, Planet Ekuna
The Shrike Abyssal, Urla Rast Cluster, Planet Talis Fia
The Shrike Abyssal, Xe Cha Cluster, Planet Tosal Nym
The Shrike Abyssal, Xe Cha Cluster, Planet Zada Ban
Titan Nebula, Haskins Cluster, Planet Capek
Valhallan Threshhold, Micah Cluster, Planet Farlas
Valhallan Threshhold, Micah Cluster, Planet Israfil
Valhallan Threshhold, Micah Cluster, Planet Kakabel