Some basic Pokemon have special moves only available through Egg Moves. Have two Pokemon with the same Egg Group (for example a female Salamence and a male Kingdra). If the Kingdra knows Hydro Pump, and they are bred, the baby Bagon will know Hydro Pump when it hatches. A list of some good Egg Moves follow.
Aron: Dragon Rush
Bagon: Dragon Rush
Bagon: Hydro Pump
Budew: Leaf Storm, Extrasensory
Bulbasaur: Leaf Storm
Castform: Ominous Wind
Charmander: Dragon Rush
Chatot: Night Shade
Croagunk: Vacuum Wave
Phanpy: Ice Shard, Ancientpower
Roselia: Leaf Storm
Skorupi: Night Slash
Swablu: Dragon Rush
Vulpix: Energy Ball
Zubat: Brave Bird