Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock |
12 Days of Pandora (30 points) | Mastered the technology of Pandora.
Destroyed The Destroyer (50 points) | Killed the Vault Boss.
Destroyed the Hive (40 points) | Killed the Rakk Hive.
United We Stand (35 points) | Defeated the Rakk Hive, the Vault Boss, Sledge, Krom, or Flynt in a co-op game.
Wanted: Flynt (30 points) | Killed Flynt.
Wanted: Krom (20 points) | Killed Krom.
Wanted: Sledge (10 points) | Killed Sledge.
You're on a boat! (15 points) | I bet you never thought you'd be here.