Achievement | How to unlock |
A Bright Future (80 points) | Defeated the Ultor Corporation epilogue.
Aww Nuts! (5 points) | Hit 100 lifetime nut shots.
Going the Distance (5 points) | Threw someone a long, long way.
I'm Not Addicted! (5 points) | Gambled $500,000 total lifetime.
Love Thy Neighbor (5 points) | Grabbed 50 human shields.
Soprano (10 points) | Sung along to the radio.
Still Addicted to tha Row (20 points) | Played Saints Row 2 in single player or co-op for a combined 50 hours.
Stilwater Welcoming Commitee (5 points) | Mugged 50 citizens of Stilwater.
Trash Talker (5 points) | Taunted 50 gang members.
Vengeance (15 points) | Exacted revenge on Julius.