Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression' in /home/cheatd5/public_html/display/singlecheat.php on line 31 Saints Row 2 - Store Discounts (Xbox 360)
Complete the indicated activities or tasks to unlock the corresponding reward.
Clothing store (5%): Crowd Control level 3 in Suburbs.
Clothing store (15%): Crowd Control level 6 in Suburbs.
Crib customization (5%): Mayhem level 3 in Red Light District.
Crib customization (15%): Mayhem level 6 in Red Light District.
Food and liquor at stores (5%): Septic Avenger level 3 in Red Light District.
Food and liquor at stores (15%): Septic Avenger level 6 in Red Light District.
Food and liquor at stores (100%): 20 store hold-ups.
Mechanic (5%): Demo Derby level 3.
Mechanic (15%): Demo Derby level 6.
Mechanic (75%): All five Chop Shop lists.
Scratch That music store (100%): Collect all 50 CDs.
Weapon store (5%): Heli Assault level 3 in Trailer Park.
Weapon store (15%): Heli Assault level 6 in Trailer Park.
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