Enable the testingCheatsenabled true code, then enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. You may now also hold [Shift] and click your mailbox to access the options: "Make All Happy", "Force Visitor", "Set Career", and "Set Level". You can hold [Shift] and click on Sims to access the options: "Add Sim To House", "Change Sim Traits", and "Force Aging". Finally, you can teleport a Sim in Ground View mode by holding [Shift] and clicking on a destination.
Code | Effect |
familyfunds "[last name]" [number] | Give Simoleons to indicated family
ageuptonpc | Makes toddler that grows to child become an NPC
recordvideo | Record video with specified size and quality
speed [0 to 4] | Set game speed
playsounds [on or off] | Toggle all audio
maptags [on or off] | Toggle map tags