When you are on the Playground Level, the key to dodging the bullets from Arachnitrons, is simply to not stop moving. Simply keep running and you will not be hit. As for the Cyberdemon that emerges after you defeat the Arachnitrons, simply keep your distance from it and fire at it. When it returns fire, simply run behind one of the four large pillars and you should be safe. As for the Mancubis’ that com afterwards, they will be easy to kill. Pick them off one at a time. By the time that only two remain, you will be fine.
It is, however, important to try to not grab the Partial Invisibility items as they make enemy fire unpredictable and hence, harder to dodge. After defeating the Arachnitrons, you should grab every box of Rockets and wait until you become visible again before you grab the Megasphere. |