Mike's Chapter: The Enchanted Gladius :
Find the room with the three pictures and make sure that you have all three effigies. Put the effigies on the ledges in this order:
Warrior: Blue Effigy
Sorcerer: Green Effigy
Scholar: Red Effigy
This will open a hidden staircase in the circle room before the hallway that leads to the room you are in. Go down the stairs and you will enter a room with an Enchanted Gladius. Pick up the Gladius and complete the level as usual. When it comes time for Alex to receive the essence of whatever guardian that Mike received in his level, the Enchanted Gladius will also be in the box. This Gladius' enchantment will not run out. Use it on Pious and the battle will go much smoother than fighting him and having to re-enchant the weapon multiple times. |