Marrying And Have LOTS Of Money :
You must have 2 controllers for this to work.
Put 1 controller in slot 3, and 1 in slot 1. Then, press Z and Start to get 10k and a bunch of tools, food, seeds, ect. Sell Van 98 of ALL the tools, and other things u dont need( but keep in mind on what ur boyfriend likes, and DO NOT sell that stuff.) But now, u should have a lot of money. I bought the buildings. If u have the blue feather and DO NOT want to marry Rock, DO NOT press the buttons agains. After you have married the man of your dreams, you can press the buttons again.
These are the things the men like:
Gustafa-flowers, ores, statues, meals, crops, and dairy.
Marlin-meals, milk, eggs, and bodyjizer.
Rock-meals, and most all things found at the mines. |