All Of The Bosses And How To Beat Them. Also Minibosses! :
Mini-boss #1 (sort of) ELITE BOKOBLINS, MOBLIN: Dragon Roost
Ok, when you enter the arena, you face 2 elite bokoblins (atleast I think they are elite) Simply beat them up like the bokoblins at the begining of the dungeon. Then, you face a Moblin. Try your best. After, Medli will give you the GRAPPLING HOOK.
Boss #1: GOHEM: Dragon Roost
Be careful not to get poked by this guy, and avoid his stinky breath of fire. First, wait for his claw to get stuck. Then, grapple Valoo's tail. You should swing to the other side. A rock will fall on Gohem. Get your grapple ready to grapple the tail. When Gohem puts the rock it back, use the Grappling hook immediatly. Do it one more time. His shell will crack, and it seems he is a giant magworm! When he comes to breath fire, grapple his big ugly eye. Then hit it. About two more of those will make him blow up and his head falls to the ground. It coughs up a heart container.
Mini-boss #2: FLYING MOTHULA: Forbidden Woods
This bug is A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G. When he comes down, do your best to hit his wings. After you hit him down, He turns into a quite strong Mothula. Defeat it, and go to the chest and claim the BOOMERANG. Hit the two switches on the door to get out.
Boss #2: KALLE DEMOS: Forbidden Woods.
When there is an opening, boomerang the vines on the top of the flower demon. When you get all 15(that is an estimate), he falls. Go in and take no prisoners. He will close up and spit you out. Do it two more times, and his head will cough up a Heart container... and Makar!
Mini-boss #3: DARKNUT: Tower of The Gods
When you face this kind of enemy, you have to Parry it to defeat the armor it's wearing. Then you have to take the wolf like thing out. Trust me, it isn't easy for beginners with the hero's sword.
Defeat him and get the ARROWS.
Boss #3: GOHDAN: Tower of The Gods
First thing you should know is that this guy is a boss that is not evil. He is just testing you. L-Target the hands and hit them with arrows. Two each, and do it quickly. Then Ghodans eyes will open. Two arrows for each eye. If you run out of arrows, (you have 30) he will snort out some more. When you get the eyes, the head will drop. Throw a bomb at his mouth. Three bombs gets him. He will give you a heart container, and return to the wall. Go up in the light, and ring the bell.
Mini-Boss #4: Phantom Ganon:Forsaken Fortress
First, he will shoot a blue spell at you. Hit it back. Play some baseball for a while, and he will get hit eventually. Slash him with your sword. Eventually, he will give up. You will get the SKULL HAMMER.
Boss #4: HELMAROC KING( not Zeetlock!): Forsaken Fortress
Avoid the water, bokblins, and the bird's attempt to nibble you. When you get to the top, bash the birdie's head and climb up. The tower will start to close and the giant griffin bird thing will want a piece of you. When his head gets stuck trying to peck you, bash it. About 3 or 4 of those will destroy his mask to reveal... He is an EVIL ROOSTER!!! Ok, no he's not, but it seems like that. Do the same as before, but this time use the sword. About 12 slashes of the sword will make fly to the top of the fortress and explode, revealing a heart container. Go up the ramp and into the door... I won't reveal this part to you.
Mini-boss #5: 3 STALFOSES: Earth Temple
Throw a bomb at the first Stalfos. He will explode, and his head will bounce around. L-Target it and keep hitting it. About two of this kind of attack with the sword you have now will defeat it.Then face 2 of them. Claim the mirror shied and use it on the moon on the door to get out.
Boss #5: JALHALLA: Earth Temple
Use the mirror shield on the ghost. It will turn into a big fat monster. Throw it into a barrier on the wall. It will turn into a bunch of colorful poes. Take them all out to win a heart container. Step into the triforce.
Mini-boss# 6: MASTER WIZZROBE: Wind Temple
Attak the wizzrobe with arrows bombs or your sword. When you beat it, defeat all monsters it made. Claim the HOOKSHOT. Hookshot to the top and hit the switch to get out.
Boss #6: Molgera
Hookshot the tounge and slash it. Simple. Collect the heart container. Step into the light, Link...
I won't describe puppet gannon. All i will say is that you get no heart container.
Ganondorf: Ganon's tower
He will draw his swords and attack. Stall him, so Zelda can shoot him with a light arrow, After some of those, he will knock out Zelda. Fight some more, then Zeldawill get up. Get the light arrow on your shield and make it hit Ganondorf. Parry it, and put him out of his misery.
Note: Any pictographs you miss of bosses, Phantom Ganon is the only one you can't get again. |