Fire missiles at Kingbot until he stops moving. This usually happens after about four to five shots. Then, aim your targets at his right leg, stand just off-center, and throw in a Core Charge. This normally takes about five times. After ever two charges, some little bots will appear. The best weapon to use against them is the Scatter Ammo, as it will kill them quickly, especially when they are directly bearing down on you. Missiles will cause more damage to your health.
Disable the King Bot by firing missiles at him. This will make him stop in his tracks. Then his mouth will open, and you can throw core charges in. Next, aim your recticle (target) at his leg where it meets his body. You need to stand slightly to the right.
It is only necessary to use missiles and grenades. Immediately take out your missile launcher and run to the right to get extra missiles. Turn and disable Kingbot with three to four shots. Move over to one of the enclosed ground areas and allow Kingbot to crush it open, being careful not to be hit. This will give you more grenades. Disable him again and fire missiles in his mouth when he opens it. Line up your grenades to go in his mouth by standing just off-center to his right. You will see his head start to smoke. After doing this a few times, small robots will pop out of him. These can be destroyed with other guns, but it is easier to use the missiles. When they die, they will leave behind heath packs. Keep firing in his mouth and he will explode.