Use the following edit teams in Arcade mode to unlock the corresponding team's ending gallery after the ending credits. The edit team's gallery will be available in the PlayStation 2 section in Gallery mode.
Andy, Mai, Eiji: Ninja team
Athena, Leona, Kasumi: Teenage Girls team
Eiji, Kasumi, Mr. Big: Anti-AOF team
Geese, Krauser ,Mr.Big: 96 Boss team
Heidren, Ralf ,Clark: 94 Ikari team
Iori,Yashiro, Yamazaki: Detest "Shingo" team
Iori, Billy, Eiji: 95 Rival team
Kasumi, Mai, King: 96 Womens team
Mr. Big, Chang, Choi: Skin-Head Team
Orochi, Orochi Leona, Orochi Iori: Awaken Team
Ryo, Robert, Takuma: Former Art Of Fighting team
Rugal, Goenitz ,Orochi: 98:UM Boss team
Yamazaki ,Mature ,Vice: Yamazaki team
Defeat Rugal with the indicated characters in Team Play mode to unlock the corresponding ending at the "Gallery" menu.
'02 Team: K', Kyo', and Nameless.
'97 Special Team: Billy, Mary, and Yamazaki.
Agent Team: Ramon, Seth, and Vanessa.
Art Of Fighting Team: Robert, Ryo, and Yuri.
Art Of Fighting's Women Team: Kasumi, King, and Yuri.
Cloned Team: Kusanagi, Kyo 1, and Kyo 2.
Elder Brothers Team: Billy, Ryo, and Terry.
Fatal Fury Villains Team: Billy, Geese, and Yamazaki.
Fatal Fury's Women Team: Mai, Mary, and Xiang Fei.
Fathers Team: Daimon, Kim, and Takumo.
Former Pyscho Soldier Team: Athena, Chin, and Kensou.
Former Woman Figthers Team: Mai, May Lee, and Yuri.
Giants Team: Chang, Daimon, and Maxima.
Glamorous Team: Angel, Shermie, and Mai.
Hurricane Team: Choi, Geonitz, and Joe.
Ikari Team: Clark, Leona, and Ralf.
Japanese National Sports Team: Daimon, Hinako, and Kasumi.
Jhun Team: Jhun, Lin, and Shingo.
Justice Team: Athena, Kim, and May Lee.
K' Team: K', Maxima, and Whip.
Kids Team: Bao, Chris, and Kula.
Kim Team: Chang, Choi, and Kim.
Master Team: Chin, Heidern, and Takuma.
Mature Ladies Team: King, Mature, and Vice.
Nests Boss Team: C-Zero, Krizalid, Igniz, and Zero (Any 3 of them).
Nests Team: Angel, Foxy, and Kula.
Orochi Team: Chris, Shermie, and Yashiro.
Pretty Girl Fighters Team: Hinako, May Lee, and Xiang Fei.
Pyscho Soldier Team: Athena, Bao, and Kensou.
Special Boss Team: Geese, Goenitz, and Rugal.
Sunglasses Team: Choi, Clark, and K'.
Woman Fighters Team: Mai, Kasumi, and King.
Yagami Team: Mature, Iori, and Vice. |