A List Of Things To Unlock |
In Career mode you can beat the game mutiple times to unlock more and more stuff.
Characters and Levels
The Cruise Ship Level get THREE GOLD MEDALS with any Skater.
1. Darth Maul from Star Wars Episode 1
2. Wolverine from X-Men
3. The Ware House Level from THPS1
4. Officer Dick from THPS 1 and 2
5. Private Carrea THPS1 and 2
6. Burnside Skate Park from THPS1
7. Ollie, The Magic Bum from the Venice Level in THPS2
8. Kelly Slater from Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
9. Roswell, NM level from THPS1
10. Demoness from Hell
21. Neversoft Eyeball from the Neversoft intro Movie.
11. Snow Board Mode: Lets you land any way.
12. Always Special: You can do a Special Trick any time.
13. Perfect Rail Balance: Gives you Perfect Balance on Grinds and Lip Tricks.
14. Super Stats Mode: Gives you maxed out stats.
15. Giant Mode: Your Skater is twice the size.
16. Slow Motion Mode: Givesyou Sow Motion in the air.
17. Perfect Manual Balance: Gives you Perfect Balance on Manuals and Freestyle specials.
18. Tiny Mode: Make your skater like two feet high.
19. Moon Physics: You jump three times as high.
20. Expert Mode: Gives you more realistic effects.
22. First Person Veiw: See what the skaters see.
All "Mode" Cheats Enabled |
To unlock all of the different game modes (such as ''Giant Mode'', ''First Person'', ''Snowboard'', etc.) that you would normally have to beat the game multiple times for, simply enter this code:
You can select the new modes from the game's menu while playing
All Cheats |
Enter the code 'MARKEDCARDS'. Now pause gameplay in Career Mode to access the cheat menu.
All Hidden Characters |
To unlock all of the special characters, enter the following code: FREAKSHOW
Alle Boni |
Career mode you can beat the game mutiple times to unlock more and more stuff.
Characters and Levels
The Cruise Ship Level get THREE GOLD MEDALS with any Skater.
1. Darth Maul from Star Wars Episode 1
2. Wolverine from X-Men
3. The Ware House Level from THPS1
4. Officer Dick from THPS 1 and 2
5. Private Carrea THPS1 and 2
6. Burnside Skate Park from THPS1
7. Ollie, The Magic Bum from the Venice Level in THPS2
8. Kelly Slater from Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
9. Roswell, NM level from THPS1
10. Demoness from Hell
21. Neversoft Eyeball from the Neversoft intro Movie.
11. Snow Board Mode: Lets you land any way.
12. Always Special: You can do a Special Trick any time.
13. Perfect Rail Balance: Gives you Perfect Balance on Grinds and Lip Tricks.
14. Super Stats Mode: Gives you maxed out stats.
15. Giant Mode: Your Skater is twice the size.
16. Slow Motion Mode: Givesyou Sow Motion in the air.
17. Perfect Manual Balance: Gives you Perfect Balance on Manuals and Freestyle specials.
18. Tiny Mode: Make your skater like two feet high.
19. Moon Physics: You jump three times as high.
20. Expert Mode: Gives you more realistic effects.
22. First Person Veiw: See what the skaters see.
Alle Mode Cheats [German] |
Für alle Modi im Spiel folgenden Code eingeben: MARKEDCARDS
Get Full Stats |
Enter: MAXMEOUT in the cheats interface, and your current character will receive full stat points. You must re-enter the cheat for each character
To make members of the Neversoft team that create this game, go to the Create Skater screen and enter one of these names:
Joel Jewett
Sandy Jewett
Nicole Winnick
Mike Ward
Trey Smith
Their stats and appearance will change if the names are entered properly
Maximum Stats |
To max out your stats, enter the cheat menu and enter "maxmeout".
New Captain In Cruise Ship Level |
At the Cruise Ship Level, with any character, simply break all the glass in the greenhouse. A short sound clip will play and unlock a new captain's voice in the level, plus more hiliarious lines. Nothing important, but funny.
Play As Hidden Skaters |
Enter one of the following names at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear:
80's Mark
Grass Patch
Mini Joel
Pimpin Frank
Skillzilla (or by entering Gi Skillz)
Stacey D
Unlock All Movies |
Enter ''POPCORN'' in the cheats screen and it has to be all caps
Unlock Darth Maul |
To play as Darth Maul (how'd they get the licensing), complete all 54 objectives and get 3 gold medals with any one skater
Unlock Features |
To unlock the different features, complete all goals and get gold medals in all three competitions in career with a different skater each time. Do this the indicated amount of times for the different features.
1 time: Play as Darth Maul
2 times: Play as Wolverine
3 times: Play as Officer Dick
5 times: Play as Private Carrera
6 times: Burnside level from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
7 times: Ollie the magic bum
8 times: Play as Kelly Slater
9 times: Roswell level from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
10 times: Play as Demoness
11 times: Snowboard mode
12 times: Infinite specials
13 times: Perfect balance for rails
14 times: Super Stats
15 times: Huge skater
16 times: Slow-motion mode
17 times: Perfect balance for manuals
18 times: Small skater
19 times: Moon physics
20 times: Expert mode
21 times: First person view
Unlock First Person Mode |
To unlock First Person Mode, finish the Career Mode twenty-one times, completing all 54 Goals and snagging 3 Gold Medals
Unlock Kelly Slater |
To unlock Kelly Slater (the surfer), finish the Career Mode eight times, completing all 54 Goals and snagging 3 Gold Medals
Unlock More Special Trick Slots |
Complete all the objectives in a level (not including the competitions) in Career Mode to get an extra slot for a special trick
Unlock Neversoft Eyeball Man |
To unlock the eyeball man(the dude that appears at the begining of the game) finnish the career mode 21 times, getting 54 goals and 3 gold medals
Unlock Officer Dick And Private Carrera |
Beat the Game with 4 different charaecters to unlock OFFICER DICK. Beat the game with 5 different charecters to unlock PRIVATE CARRERA
Unlock Snowboard Mode |
To unlock snowbaord mode, finish the Career Mode eleven times, completing all 54 Goals and snagging 3 Gold Medals
Unlock THPS Burnside |
To unlock Burnside, finish the Career Mode six times, completing all 54 Goals and snagging 3 Gold Medals.
Unlock THPS Roswell |
To unlock the alien Roswell level finish the Career Mode nine times, completing all 54 Goals and get 3 Gold Medals
Unlock THPS Warehouse |
To unlock the Warehouse from THPS beat career mode 3 times getting all 3 medals and completing all 54 goals.
Unlock Wolverine |
To play as Wolverine from X-Men, complete all 54 objectives and get 3 gold medals with any two skaters