Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Behind the curtain | Reach the inner core of Opis. | 45
Cadet Explorer | Overcome all challenges within Ziqqurat One. | 45
Converter | Solve a puzzle by converting energy. | 45
Council Meeting | Learn the history of the Golden Council. | 45
Down the rabbit hole | Enter Iris's lair. | 60
Explorer | Venture into Ziqqurat Two. | 45
Freedom! | Manage to escape detention. | 45
Geared Up | Obtain the Bia-Tool. | 45
Get the hang of it | Learn the basic functions of the Bia-Tool. | 45
Interstellar Archeologist | Complete Faraday Protocol. | 100
It's been a while! | Unlock Ziqqurat One. | 45
Locked up | Get detained by Iris. | 45
The sky's the ceiling! | Raise the Pillar Core. | 45
Welcome To Opis | Gain access to Opis. | 45