Achievement | How to unlock
A Little on the Nose (14 points) | Unlock all noses.
Accurate Architect (14 points) | Build at least 20 Street Tiles, and have a driver miss not a single one.
All Holo'd Out (89 points) | Pick up 100 holos.
Box Fort (14 points) | Crash into 100 cardboard box stacks.
Close Encounters (14 points) | Place a tile under a falling driver, just in time, 10 times.
Close Encounters for the Third Time (89 points) | 100 Close Calls. And, yeah we made three achievements just for that joke.
Close Encounters... Again (30 points) | Get 50 Close Calls as the builder.
Curator (89 points) | Collect all customization items.
Extreme Makeover (14 points) | Customize your vehicle with all slots filled.
First Responder (14 points) | Revive another driver.
Gearhead (14 points) | Customize your vehicle.
Gittin' Gud Yet? (14 points) | Play ten rounds in any mode.
Gotta Build 'em All (30 points) | Build 151 Street Tiles.
Holo! Is it me you're looking for? (14 points) | Pick up 25 holos.
Hoop there it is (14 points) | Jump through 50 fire rings.
It's Like In That Movie (14 points) | Explode because you're driving too slow.
Just Go On Without Me (14 points) | Explode your vehicle, and be revived ten times.
Maybe Pick New Friends? (30 points) | Revive fifty drivers.
Musketeers (12 points) | Play any game with 3 players.
Now It's a Party (14 points) | Play any game with 4 players.
Pack Rat (30 points) | Collect half of all customization items.
Party Pooper (14 points) | Explode your vehicle, and be revived.
Pattern Recognition (14 points) | Unlock all vehicle patterns.
Right Into the Danger Zone (14 points) | Stay inside the danger zone for 10 minutes total.
Road Improvement (14 points) | Customize your street.
Shiny Happy Streetle (14 points) | Unlock all street tile paint jobs.
Son of a Chroma Gun (14 points) | Unlock all vehicle paint jobs.
Speed Racer (30 points) | Drive at top speed, for 5 seconds straight.
Spoiler Alert (14 points) | Unlock all spoilers.
Straight Outta Bounds (14 points) | Leave the field and die tryin'.
Street Performer (14 points) | Rotate a Street tile before placing it.
That'll do, Pig (89 points) | Look like a quality show-pig.
The Obligatory Online One (14 points) | Play online. Once.
They Keep Pulling Me Back In (14 points) | Revive ten drivers.
Ultimate Knowledge (30 points) | Watch all tutorial videos, nerd.
Untitled 100 Rounds Achievement (30 points) | Play a hundred rounds in any mode.
Wearing all the hats (14 points) | Unlock all hats.
What a Drag (30 points) | Explode your vehicle, and be revived fifty times.
What's That Box? (14 points) | Pick up a holo.
Your Own Dumb Asphalt (14 points) | Unlock all asphalts.
Zoned Out (14 points) | Stay inside the danger zone for 30 seconds total.