Achievement | How to unlock | Points
First Steps | Try out all of the robot controls. | 20
Flip around | Flip over 86 times while in air. | 30
How fast? | Reach the maximum movement speed. | 10
Ice breaker | Free a robot from ice. | 30
Inside the Converter | Jump inside the converter while activating it. | 115
Inside the Converter | Jump inside the converter while activating it. | 150
It breaks so easily | Smash every possible glass in Chapter 1. | 80
Motion Marathon | Travel 1000 units. | 25
No secrets in Chapter 1 | Find all secret items in Chapter 1. | 200
Not afraid to fall | Jump and hit the ground only after 2 seconds. | 15
Solo Chapter 1 | Complete Chapter 1 without saving any robot. | 60
Team Chapter 1 | Complete Chapter 1 saving all robots. | 80
There are no flaws in strength | Collide with any object 86 times. | 30
Too Fast For You | Avoid a drone for 11 seconds while it follows you. | 35
True NBA Player | Score 86 points in basketball over time. | 80
We Friends? | Connect with an insecure robot. | 40