Achievement | How to unlock
...and for your sake, you'll do this. (15 points) | Completed 'For Someone' story.
A Battle with Life on the Line (15 points) | Fought 1 online battle.
After you crack, harden up! (15 points) | Completed 'Red Riot' story.
All charged up! (30 points) | Obtain 450 character customization items.
Battlefield Overlord (30 points) | Fought on 10 stages in local matches.
Breaking the Laws of Nature (15 points) | Completed 'Rewinding Quirk' story.
Business Course (15 points) | Collected 75,000 hero coins.
Can't stop blinking (15 points) | View 30 characters' battle entrances.
Check out my customization! (15 points) | Obtain 150 character customization items.
Complete Harmony (15 points) | Use sidekicks 10 times.
Crucial Event (15 points) | Completed 'Beginning of the end, end of the beginning' story.
Desire to Move Up (15 points) | Acquired 75 titles.
Don't make me get my hands dirty! (15 points) | Cleared 10 routes in Arcade Mode.
Elusive Hero Killer (15 points) | Cleared Mission 'Practice Run'.
Emphasize your specialty. (15 points) | Use Quirk Specials 100 times.
Even more chaos (15 points) | Perform a Plus Ultra 50 times using a Villain.
Every last one of them! (30 points) | Cleared 50 routes in Arcade Mode.
Famous Hero (15 points) | Acquired 25 titles.
Fashion Master (15 points) | Obtain 350 character customization items.
Fashion Monster (15 points) | Obtain 250 character customization items.
Frank Talker (15 points) | Obtain 200 player customization items.
Gang Hero (15 points) | Cleared Mission 'Survival'.
Go above and beyond! (15 points) | Perform 50 Plus Ultras using heroes.
I came to settle this! (15 points) | Won against 30 Villains.
I just do things how I want (15 points) | Achieved a total character level of 100 or higher in Mission Mode.
I might be able to see that person again! (15 points) | Completed 'Fleeting Feeling' story.
I want to get to know you better. (30 points) | Cleared Mission 'Capture the Criminal'.
I'll Win (15 points) | Won 30 battles using heroes.
If my arms are no good, my legs will do! (15 points) | Completed 'Shoot Style' story.
Item Collector (30 points) | Obtain 400 player customization items.
Item Maniac (15 points) | Obtain 300 player customization items.
Later seems to be okay... (30 points) | Achieved a total character level of 500 or higher in Mission Mode.
Lemillion is making me feel disgusted. (15 points) | Cleared Mission 'Mirio's Challenge'.
Let me spill your blood! (15 points) | Perform 1,000 combos against opponents.
Look inward to think of who you want to be! (15 points) | Acquired 50 titles.
Malice... That's completely unexpected. (15 points) | Won 10 battles using villains.
Meat Lover (15 points) | Acquire 100 titles.
More, more! More excitement! (15 points) | Collect 50,000 hero coins.
My time has come. (15 points) | Use sidekicks 50 times.
One's Justice (40 points) | Complete every story chapter.
Party People (15 points) | Collected 25,000 hero coins.
Passionate Hero (15 points) | Cleared Mission 'Hero Show'.
Plain Old Tsuyu (15 points) | Obtain 100 player customization items.
Protective (15 points) | Completed 'End of the First Day' story.
Pure Celebrity (15 points) | Collect 100,000 hero coins.
Puts in minimal effort (15 points) | Used Sidekick Plus Ultra 10 times.
Rescuer (15 points) | Won 10 battles using heroes.
Ruiner of the Present (15 points) | Won 30 battles using villains.
Save and win, win and save. (15 points) | Completed 'Same Dream' story.
Speedy Veteran (15 points) | Perform a Plus Ultra Finish.
Strong Bonds (15 points) | Connected with Plus Ultra All with a certain team.
Strong vision. (15 points) | Completed 'Bright Future' story.
The Desired Future (30 points) | Cleared all Hero chapters in Story Mode.
The world is so huge. (15 points) | Fought 10 online battles.
Vanguard Action Squad (15 points) | Achieved a total character level of 50 or higher in Mission Mode.
You'll become recognized as a man among men. (30 points) | Fought 30 online battles.
You're next (15 points) | Won against 30 Heroes.