Achievement | How to unlock
100% the game (100 points) | Unlock every achievement.
A blur of fur (75 points) | Get a top time on all the tracks.
Catch a pigeon! (20 points) | Unlock the pigeon hat and wear it proudly.
Combo Crazy (50 points) | Use every weapon combo in a single picnic battle.
Easy Peasy (5 points) | Activated Easy difficulty.
Everyone's a winner... Not you though (75 points) | Finish 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in a four player race.
Faster than a speeding... Bear? (50 points) | Get a top time on half of the tracks.
Faster than the average bear (20 points) | Get a top time on any track.
First Star (20 points) | Come 1st in a race or picnic battle.
How fetching (50 points) | Win yourself a hat.
I see you (5 points) | Shoot out a camera.
MINE! (20 points) | Steal the flag 10 times.
Many Skills (75 points) | Collect all the hats.
Master of the Forest (75 points) | Gold star every track in the forest world.
Master of the Ruins (75 points) | Gold star every track in the Ruin world.
Master of the Tundra (75 points) | Gold star every track in the Arctic World.
Medium (50 points) | Activate medium difficulty.
Ouch (5 points) | Launch a mortar strike on yourself.
Poop Place (5 points) | Finished a race below 9th place.
Special Thanks (75 points) | Completed the special thanks mini game.
UnBearable (75 points) | Activate Hardest Difficulty.