Achievement | How to unlock
Chosen One (70 points) | Complete the Initiation Ring and activate the Realmgate.
Dedicated wanderer (70 points) | Complete 20 levels by finding all collectibles.
Deep sleep (70 points) | Put the Goddess of Fire into a deep slumber.
Divine Aid (70 points) | Collect 15 Cells.
Dying Light (110 points) | Find and collect the Dark Crystal for the Almanach.
Enlightened (110 points) | Complete 40 levels by finding all collectibles.
Explorer (70 points) | Collect 15 devices for the Almanach.
Filled wells (110 points) | Activate all Lightwells.
Forgotten wells (70 points) | Find and activate the Primal Well in the Desert City.
In the footsteps of the Path builders (70 points) | Activate Stone Keys in 10 levels.
The mystery of the Megaliths (110 points) | Find and activate all Megaliths.
Wise Man (70 points) | Collect chronicles from 3 realms.