Trophy | How to unlock
A Perfect Algorithm (Bronze) | Complete "The Warder of the Brain" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Assassin (Bronze) | Complete "Death Will Have His Day" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Congress (Bronze) | Complete "Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Cousin (Bronze) | Complete "Of His Bones Are Coral Made" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Detective (Bronze) | Complete "Foul Deeds Will Rise" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Diplomat (Bronze) | Complete "The Head that Wears a Crown" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Disposal (Bronze) | Complete "The Isle Is Full of Noises" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Economy (Bronze) | Complete "He That Dies Pays All Debts" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Escape (Bronze) | Complete "The Tempest" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Friend (Bronze) | Complete "To Revenge is No Valour" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Intelligence (Bronze) | Complete "All that Lives Must Die" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Investment (Bronze) | Complete "If Money Go Before, All Ways Do Lie Open" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Librarian (Bronze) | Complete "In Nature's Infinite Book of Secrecy" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Patriot (Bronze) | Complete "The Evil That Men Do" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Pursuit (Bronze) | Complete "They Stumble that Run Fast" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Rebellion (Bronze) | Complete "The Rude Eye of Rebellion" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Rescue (Bronze) | Complete "Yet Death Will Seize the Doctor" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Retrieval (Bronze) | Complete "The Arms Are Fair" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Sabotage (Bronze) | Complete "When Beggars Die, There Are No Comets Seen" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Salvage (Bronze) | Complete "For One to Say a Soldier Lies" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Soldier (Bronze) | Complete "Journeys End in Lovers Meeting" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Son (Bronze) | Complete "What Thing Had My Father Lost" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Trial (Bronze) | Complete "A High Hope for a Low Heaven" with a perfect score in every battle.
A Perfect Warrior (Bronze) | Complete "To Follow Mine Own Teaching" with a perfect score in every battle.
AMPed Up (Bronze) | Deal a total of 300 damage using Damage();.
Boom Shaka-Laka (Bronze) | Kill a total of 25 enemies using Grenade.
Change of Heart (Bronze) | Change a companion's ideology.
Element: Perfection (Gold) | Complete the game with a perfect score in every battle.
Facing the Tempest (Bronze) | Defeat the infiltrator.
Hack Yeah! (Bronze) | Hack 5 turrets with Hacking Protocol.
Hey Arthur! (Bronze) | Square off against Arthur.
Inspirational Speaker (Bronze) | Get the Galactic Congress to rule in your favor.
Keep Your Allies Close (Bronze) | Gain a faction's loyalty.
Lab Safety (Bronze) | Save at least 2 scientists.
License to Skill (Bronze) | Max a skill.
Looks Like We Made It (Bronze) | Get invited to the Galactic Congress.
Man of Action (Bronze) | Stop Il Pugno Rosso and find Emilio.
No One's Perfect (Silver) | ...But this ending could be. Achieve a perfect ending.
No Pain, No Gain (Bronze) | Damage 5 units at the same time using Share the Pain.
On the Brink (Bronze) | Kill an enemy by knocking them off a ledge with Earth Dash.
Perfect Space (Platinum) | Obtain all Trophies in Element Space.
Power of Persuasion (Bronze) | Stop the assassin from killing the Empress.
Roll the Dice (Bronze) | Infiltrate the casino and rendezvous with your informant.
Secondary Education (Bronze) | Win all secondary missions across multiple playthroughs.
Shutdown (Silver) | Defeat the Hacker by destroying his energy sources.
Soul Purpose (Bronze) | Have a Soul Possessed Ally kill an enemy.
Survivor (Gold) | Win the game in Extinction Mode.
Swap and Kill (Bronze) | Use Quantum Swap and kill the swapped enemy in 1 turn.
Top of the Class (Bronze) | Max an archetype.
Trial by Combat (Bronze) | Prove yourself to the Prince.
True Blue (Bronze) | Gain a companion's loyalty.
Unlocked and Loaded (Bronze) | Unlock a tier 2 weapon.
Up in Arms (Bronze) | Unlock a tier 3 weapon.
Welcome to the Gun Show (Silver) | Unlock all weapons (across multiple playthroughs).
Why Tank You! (Bronze) | Blow up a tank.
Workaround (Bronze) | Damage a unit with Tank Armor using Trick Shot.
Zero's Hero (Bronze) | Regain control of Zero's chassis and your ship.