Achievement | How to unlock
200.60% (100 points) | Got every other achievement in the game.
Backed (10 points) | Found the backer recording.
Behind You... (10 points) | Turn around...
Bosch Memento (25 points) | Found all touchstones in Chapter 3.
Briar Memento (25 points) | Found all touchstones in Chapter 1.
Ceres (10 points) | The galaxy is at peace.
Durham Memento (25 points) | Found all touchstones in Chapter 4.
Earth (25 points) | Completed Chapter 3.
Fire (25 points) | Completed Chapter 4.
For Susannah (15 points) | Found Susannah's sanctum.
Giddy Socialite (10 points) | Found Kirby.
I Hear Things Out Here (20 points) | Found out what happened to the animals.
Kicked (10 points) | Found 5 backer letters.
Like It's Hot 1 (25 points) | Found 2 Poppets in Chapter 1.
Like It's Hot 2 (25 points) | Found 2 Poppets in Chapter 2.
Like It's Hot 3 (25 points) | Found 2 Poppets in Chapter 3.
Like It's Hot 4 (25 points) | Found 2 Poppets in Chapter 4.
Lloyd (10 points) | Best damn bartender.
Mashi (5 points) | Found Nanci Chang's takeout menu.
Master of... (5 points) | Got the key from the good Doctor.
Maximized (20 points) | What we do in life...
Overlooked (100 points) | Never captured by The Presence.
Quiet Knoll (100 points) | Completed without tapping.
Snoop (10 points) | Listened to all of Cassie's messages.
Spirit (100 points) | Completed every chapter.
Still Doing This (5 points) | Is it going to get old?
The Doll Collector (50 points) | Found every poppet.
Tickled Pink (10 points) | Listened to every Dearest Pinky song.
Touching (100 points) | Found every touchstone.
Van Hout Memento (25 points) | Found all touchstones in Chapter 2.
Water (25 points) | Completed Chapter 2.
Wind (25 points) | Completed Chapter 1.