Achievement | How to unlock
Almost too easy | Win a mission with an Extraction objective as the Genestealer player.
Anywhere and anytime | Play and win against another player in a mission created by a member of the community.
Archives are open | Win the first mission of the Genestealers campaign.
Armed to the teeth | Improve every card and give 2 modules to a single Terminator in the Blood Angels campaign.
Breaking the barricades | Win a mission with a Defend objective as the Genestealer player.
Challenge accepted | Win a Multiplayer game.
Challenge completed | Win a game against another player in Quickmatch.
Classic move | Kill the Librarian with the Broodlord.
Elite squad | Win a mission with an Extraction objective as the Terminator player.
Give everything | Empty your hand of cards in one turn playing the Terminators.
Harbinger of the Hive | Finish the Genestealers campaign.
He is a Legend | Win a mission with only one Terminator left alive.
Hot feet | Move a unit within a burning area and have it survive.
Killers | Win a mission with a Survive objective as the Genestealer player.
Let's talk | Empty your hand of cards in one turn while playing the Genestealers.
Mission accepted | Win the first mission of the Blood Angels campaign.
No one left behind | Win a mission without any losses when playing as the Terminators.
On fire | Win a Flame Room mission with only one heavy weapon bearer in the squad.
Savior of the Imperium | Win the Blood Angels campaign.
Sharpen your mind | Win a Skirmish game against the AI on an official mission.
Ship designer | Create and share a mission.
Sneaky one | Kill a Terminator with a melee strike from behind.
Survivors | Win a mission with a Survive objective as the Terminator player.
Target the leader | Kill a Terminator Sergeant.
They shall not pass | Win a mission with a Defend objective as the Terminator player.
User instructions | Create and share a mission by following all advice.
We found it | Find and retrieve the Relic of the Emperor in the Blood Angels campaign.
You only live twice | Revive a Terminator with the Narthecium.
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