Effect | Password
Create Buggy | Keep your dreams light.
Create Circus Wagon | Would you be happier as a clown?
Create Race Horse | Run! Run! Run!
Create Superior Horse | You want more than you have.
Create Wagon | Keep your dreams simple.
Create War Horse (Requires a newspaper) | You are a beast built for war.
Decrease Wanted Level | You want freedom.
Drunk | A fool on command.
Fog of War: Reveals entire map | You Long for Sight but See Nothing.
Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars (Requires a newspaper) | You Seek More Than The World Offers.
Heavy Weapons: Pump-Action Shotgun, Bolt Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, and Semi-Automatic Pistol (Requires a newspaper) | Greed is American Virtue.
High Honor (Requires a newspaper) | Virtue Unearned is not virtue.
Increase Wanted Level | You want punishment.
Increase Whistle Range For Horse | Better than my dog.
Infinite Ammo (Requires a newspaper) | Abundance is the dullest desire.
Infinite Stamina (Requires a newspaper) | The lucky be strong evermore.
Own All Outfits (Requires a newspaper) | Vanity. All is vanity.
Reset Honor | Balance. All is balance.
Set Dead Eye Level 3 | I shall be better.
Set Dead Eye Level 5 | I seek and I find.
Set Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to Full | You flourish before you die.
Simple Weapons | A simple life, a beautiful death.
Stealth Weapons | Death is silence.