Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Fashionista | Purchase all of the hats | 200
Friends with Benefits | Play with 4 people locally | 40
Game Designer | Make a custom game | 20
Games Design Intern | Join a custom game | 20
Greedy Guts | Collect all of the coins from a treasure chest | 50
I.G. Knight | Get your first knock-out | 20
Internet Friends | Play with 4 people online | 40
Ka-Ching | Collect your first coin | 20
MARATHRONE! | Run a Marathon (26.2 miles) | 200
Pacifist | Complete a round without punching | 50
Repo-man | Knock 1000 objects off the track | 100
So Near Yet So Far | Be the last one alive but don't cross the finishing line | 40
Sofa Knights | Complete a Local Multiplayer match | 20
Square Eyes | Knock the Knight's TV into the portal | 20
Stylish | Purchase your first hat | 20
The Powers of the Internet | Complete an Online Multiplayer match | 20
Turtle Knight | Get your first shield deflection knock-out | 50
Welcome to the Showdown | Complete your first game | 20
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner | Win your first game | 50