Abspann [German] |
Gebt im Passwort Menü einfach THATSME! ein.
Ace Mode |
Finish all the Tatooine Training objectives and also win fifteen gold medals in the main and bonus missions to unlock ace mode.
Audio-Kommentar [German] |
Gebt im Passwort Menü einfach BLAHBLAH ein.
Bild-Gallerie [German] |
Gebt im Passwort Menü einfach EXHIBIT! ein.
Darth Vader |
Win a total of fifteen gold medals to unlock Darth Vader's TIE Advanced X1.
Dokumentation [German] |
Gebt im Passwort Menü einfach ?INSIDER ein.
Millennium Falcon |
Win a total of 10 bronze medals in the main missions to unlock the Millennium Falcon.
Musik-Menü [German] |
Gebt im Passwort Menü einfach COMPOSER ein.
Naboo Starfighter |
Finish the Tatooine Training mission (all objectives, all normal and bonus items) in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night versions to unlock the Naboo Starfighter.
New Life Energy |
When you get to a break in a mission, the split second before it is about to enter a cut-scene, crash/destroy your ship so that the cut-scene starts before the crash scene ends. When play resumes, your ship will be fully shielded and armed, and you will not have lost a life in the process!
Schwarz-Weiss Modus [German] |
Gebt im Passwort Menü einfach LIONHEART ein.
Slave I |
Win a total of ten silver medals in the main missions to unlock the Slave I.
Targeting Computer |
In the "Attack the Core" level, fly inside the Death Star until you are near the central core... a short way before the large opening, there are some pipes near the lower right. Fly under them to get the Targetting Computer upgrade.
Unlimited Lives |
Code: JPVI?IJC, then enter RSBFNRL .
Walkthrough |
1.1 Contents
1.1 Contents
2 Introduction
3 Controls
2.1 Walkthrough
1: Death Star Attack
2: Ison Corridor Ambush
3: Battle of Hoth
4: Prisons of the Maw
5: Razor Rendevous
6: Vengeance on Kothlis
7a: Imperial Academy Heist (day)
7b: Imperial Academy Heist (night)
8: Raid on Bespin
9: Battle of Endor
10: Strike at the Core
2 Upgrades
3 Passcodes
4 Secrets
3.1 Contact Me
1.2 Introduction
Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II is the sequel to Star Wars
Rogue Squadron on the Nintendo 64. It is developed by Factor 5 and
published by LucasArts. It is set in the classic Star Wars trilogy
and was released as a launch game exclusively for the Nintendo
Gamecube on November 9th 2001.
It has received huge praise for its incredible graphics, superb
Dolby Pro Logic 2 soundtrack, and deep yet entertaining gameplay.
If you pick up a Gamecube be sure to at least try this game.
1.3 Controls
Analog Stick - move ship
C-Stick - camera control
L Trigger - brake
R Trigger - accelerate/click for boost
Z Button - roll
D-Pad - issue commands
A Button - primary weapon
B Button - secondary weapon
X Button - View toggle
Y Button - Targeting computer
2.1 Walkthrough
Mission 1: Death Star Attack
1 · Destroy the deflection towers
2 · Fight off the TIEs
3 · Locate the exhaust port
4 · Blow up the Death Star
1 · The first part is very straightforward. As you start there will
be a large tower ahead of you surrounded my smaller guns. Brake
and fire lasers at it until it explodes. Repeat this on all the
deflection towers to initiate the second section.
2 · Several squads of TIE Fighters will now enter the fray. Take
them all down with your lasers (send your wingmen after them to
get it done faster to complete this objective.
3 · Now you have the famous Death Star Trench run from Star Wars: A
New Hope. Avoid the metal 'bridges' that cross the trench and
take out some of the cannons on the way for some extra points
when going for medals. If you see laser fire from behind you
brake and some TIEs should fly past. Take 'em down. When you
hear Darth Vader say "The Force is strong with this one" watch
out because Vader is behind you. Brake again and shoot him as
he goes past. He's invincible but he'll leave after a few
seconds. When Vader attacks with a couple of normal TIEs as
back-up leave them and the Millennium Falcon will fly down and
take them out. When this happens you're all clear.
4 · Bring up your targeting computer (hold Y) and fly until you get
fairly close to the exhaust port (easy to see because it shows
up yellow on the computer). When you get close enough to be able
to hit it, line up your sights and turn off your targeting
computer, then fire 2-3 proton torpedoes at it. If the cut-scene
of the Death Star exploding starts congratulations! If it doesn't
happen fire torpedoes at the exhaust port again until it does
blow up. Mission complete!
Mission 2: Ison Corridor Ambush
1 · Protect the transports
2 · Fight off the Interceptors
1 · As soon as the mission starts bring up the targeting computer to
find some enemies. Send you wingmen after the TIEs and take them
out as they attack the transports. When they're all down another
wave will attack so do the same again. If you fly into the Rebel
Alliance symbol under the frigate you can change to a much faster
but weaker A-Wing.
2 · When you enter the nebula you won't be able to see much due to
the thick fog. This will make your targeting computer essential
for taking out the TIE Interceptors. They are more powerful than
the bog-standard TIE fighters so save your laser power and take
them out with single, quick blasts. When they're beaten the
convoy can make the jump to hyperspace and their new base on
Mission 3: Battle of Hoth
1 · Protect the ion cannons from the AT-STs
2 · Take down the AT-ATs
3 · Protect the evacuating transports from TIE Bombers
1 · First thing to do is fly ahead through the pass into the open
battlefield (there are probe droids in the pass if you want
extra points). When you leave the pass there are three AT-STs
slightly to the left. Aim for their heads with lasers to take
them down. When they're dead turn towards the ion cannon and
you'll see three more to the left of it. Finally turn back to
where the first group was and find three more to take out. When
they're no more fly back towards the ion cannon and carry on
past it.
2 · There will be a cut-scene in which Luke is shot down so you'll
now take control of Wedge Antilles. You'll have to take down
the three AT-AT walkers closest to the shield generator. One at
a time fly close to their legs with the brakes on and press B to
attach the tow cable. Complete three laps around each one of
their legs and they'll fall. Do this for all three.
3 · Fly ahead and look for the Alliance symbol. Fly into it to jump
into an X-Wing. Use the X-Wing to take down the TIE Bombers
(send your wingmen after the fighters as they aren't really a
threat, just an annoyance). Make sure they don't take out all
the transports and when they're all gone the mission is over.
Mission 4: Prisons of the Maw
1 · Eliminate shield
2 · Eliminate guard towers/protect prisoners
3 · Destroy comms towers
4 · Protect shuttle
1 · Fly ahead avoiding TIEs and asteroids until you find a row of
large ships. Beyond them there is a blue shield. Use your ion
cannons to take out three of the generators. To use the ion
cannon hold B until your sight goes blue and/or the blue bar
next to the secondary weapon display fills up, then release it
to fire. When the generator stops producing a shield move onto
another one until three have been destroyed.
2 · Fly forward until you find the Imperial prison. Get up high and
switch to your bombs (B) and blow up the towers which fire
lasers at you. When all of those are eliminated the train
containing the escaped prisoners will take off. Follow it and
help it out by blowing up the guard towers along the way.
3 · When you reach the comms towers (giant satellites) blow them
all up. It may take a few bombs to blow up each one.
4 · When the stolen Imperial Shuttle containing the prisoners takes
off use your lasers to take out the TIEs that are attacking it.
It won't take long until it's clear and the mission is complete.
Mission 5: Razor Rendevous
1 · Protect frigate
2 · Destroy Star Destroyer and recapture the Razor
1 · When the mission starts stay with the frigate as it will come
under attack from TIEs. When the TIEs are gone you can start
attacking the Star Destroyer.
2 · Get behind the Star Destroyer (there are less guns behind) and
start attacking the top two shield generators (the ball-shape
things on top). Fire three torpedoes at each one and finish them
with lasers.
1 · When those are taken out the frigate will be attacked again. Go
back and take out the TIEs.
2 · Fly under the Star Destroyer and look for the dome-shaped thing
(shows up yellow on the targeting computer). Pelt it with lasers
until it explodes. The shield are now down so you must take out
the bridge. On the front of the section where the first two
shield generators were there's a small rectangular section that
protrudes slightly. Blast it with lasers or hit it with a couple
of torpedoes (if you have any) and the Star Destroyer is finished.
Mission 6: Vengeance on Kothlis
1 · Protect the transport
2 · Take out the AT-ATs
3 · Protect the recon squad
4 · Break through the hull of the Star Destroyer
1 · Fly around the transport and take out as many TIEs as you can,
especially any highlighted in yellow. If you get an Interceptor
on your tail speed up, brake, and turn to shake it off. Keep
protecting the transport until you get to the Star Destroyer and
it sets down on the beach.
2 · Some AT-ATs will now blast their way out of the Star Destroyer.
Fly behind the transport to get into a Speeder. Use the speeder's
tow cable to take down all three. It's more difficult than on
Hoth because you can't drop below the water level but if you
brake as you do it you shouldn't have too much of a problem.
3 · When they are down a squad of rebels on foot will start heading
towards the SD. Go behind the transport and switch into a Y-Wing
(it's the rebel symbol furthest from the SD). Bomb any AT-PTs
that attack them and send your wingmen after the TIEs to keep
them off your back.
4 · Eventually you will be told to bomb a hole in the hull. On the
main body of the SD there is a slightly elevated section with a
crack down it. Bomb the hell out of it until it breaks open to
reveal a large hole. When that's done just protect the squad
until the mission is complete.
Mission 7a: Imperial Academy Heist (day)
1 · Disable the Imperial radar
2 · Take out as many TIEs and turbolasers as you can
3 · Steal the shuttle Tiderium
1 · Fly low and charge your ion cannons. Using the targeting computer,
hit the radar ahead and fly on through the pass. Hold the brake
down and fire the ion cannon at all the radar along the way.
Remember to stay low to avoid detection - use the fog at the
bottom as a judge of how low you should be.
2 · When you leave the pass accelerate as fast as you can to avoid the
TIEs who are chasing you. Follow the route through the academy
that the radar shows until you reach a large open area with a
tower in the middle. Follow the radar until you find an Imperial
shuttle on a landing pad.
3 · When you bring up the targeting computer you should see some
turrets highlighted in yellow around it. Bomb them until they're
destroyed, then take the shuttle and follow the radar. After
following the radar for a short while you'll complete the mission.
Mission 7b: Imperial Academy Heist (night)
1 · Avoid detection
2 · Steal the shuttle Tiderium
Mission 8: Raid on Bespin
1 · Help the transports take the gas containers
2 · Eliminate the Cloud City's turbolasers
3 · Protect the convoy
1 · First order of business is to take out the balloons. Be careful
as your A-Wing's shields are very weak. Send your wingmen after
the TIEs and take out the gas cannisters inside the balloons (the
things up inside with flames coming out). It'll take out the
turbolasers much faster. When the first balloon is down go after
the TIEs until you're ordered to go to the next set. Follow the
radar through the clouds to the next batch of gas where there are
two balloons and even more TIEs. When you're told to move onto the
final group there are three balloons to blow up and another bunch
of TIEs. When they're all taken out you can move on to the Cloud
City itself.
2 · Look for the trenches in the City. Inside the network of them are
three generators (they'll show up yellow when you bring up the
computer) that power the turbolasers. If you can't find them leave
the trench and use the radar to locate them. The benefit of the
trench is that you'll get little trouble from enemies.
3 · When the last generator is blown up fight off TIEs (you can take
over a Cloud Car if you want) until the mission ends.
Mission 9: Battle of Endor
1 · Protect the medical frigate
2 · Destroy the TIE Bombers
3 · Take out two Star Destroyers
1 · First follow the Millennium Falcon towards the Death Star. When
Lando tells you, turn around to find out that you're trapped.
About 50 TIE Interceptors will attack. Fight off the ones that
are attacking the medical frigate.
2 · After a few waves of Interceptors you will be told that there are
some TIE Bombers on the way. DO NOT try and intercept them as
their bombs will take you out. When they begin to attack the
frigate start attacking them. Take them all out.
3 · Now for the hard part. Head towards one of the two Star
Destroyers and fly behind it. Fire three proton torpedoes at one
of the shield generators on top and finish it off with lasers.
Repeat for the second one. Now fly underneath and blow up the
final sheild generator with lasers. Go up and take out the
bridge. When you do this you can either use any remaining
torpedoes on it, finish it with lasers (risky) or if you are
out of torpedoes and aren't on your last life kamikaze it.
Use the same tactics (minus the kamikaze) on the second one to
take it out. When they're down fly away as a lot of TIEs will
attack which can be avoided. When Lando says that the shield is
down the level will end.
Mission 10: Strike at the Core
1 · Protect the Millennium Falcon
2 · Find a way into the core
3 · Destroy the core
4 · Escape from the Death Star before it explodes
1 · When you and the Falcon are flying along the suface of the
Death Star close your S-Foils (click the R trigger) to keep up
and dodge and weave to avoid turret fire. If some TIEs attack
open your S-Foils and shoot them down. Eventually you'll come
to a large exhaust port. Fly inside.
2 · This part can be very frustrating but what you should do is go
slow enough to be able to dodge any obstacles but fast enough
to be able to see the Falcon. If TIEs come up behind you fly
low and brake, then shoot them down as they fly past. After a
while you'll reach a large open area - the core.
3 · If you've seen Return of the Jedi you know that you have to
do. Above and to the right is a tower that you need to destroy.
Bring up the targeting computer and fire all your torpedoes
and your lasers at it. A cut-scene will start when you've hit
it with enough firepower but it's not over yet!
4 · Now you'll have to escape the way you came with fire on your
tail! Fly as fast as you can without crashing until you get out.
When I did this I closed the S-Foils to go at full speed and
slowed down for turns and tight gaps. You can do it without
closing the S-Foils but you might have to boost if the fire gets
too close behind you. As soon as you hit space you've done it!
Watch the ending and the credits, then watch the documentary and
go for some medals.
2.2 Upgrades
· Death Star Attack (Advanced Shields) - After taking out the towers
when the TIE section begins fly low to the ground. Slightly to the
left will the the Advanced Shields.
· Ison Corridor Ambush (Advanced Proton Torpedoes) - In the first
section look for a large hollow piece of debris. The upgrade is
· Battle of Hoth (Advanced Lasers) - After the sheild generator is
destroyed and you're flying towards the transports, turn around
and the upgrade is where the generator once stood.
· Prisons of the Maw (Advanced Concussion Missiles) - Before the
comms towers if you head in a straight line towards the next
objective (put the orange wedge on the radar at 12 o'clock) there
will be a satellite dish with a dome-shaped building next to it.
Bomb the dome until it blows up, then go inside to find the upgrade.
· Razor Rendevous (Advanced Proton Bombs) - At the very start of
the level fly towards the Star Destroyer and blow up the shuttle
that flies behind it before it docks. It will leave the upgrade
· Revenge on Kothlis (Homing Proton Torpedoes) - Just to the left
of the bridge on the crashed Star Destroyer there is a hole. The
upgrade is inside.
2.3 Passcodes
[Passcodes will be added as they are released]
LIONHEAD - black and white mode
2.4 Secrets
[Secrets will be added as they are discovered]
DOCUMENTARY - beat the 10 normal missions to unlock the brilliant
making-of documentary in the special features menu.
PLAY AS THE MILLENNIUM FALCON - beat the 10 normal missions with
a bronze medal on each one.
AUDIO COMMENTARY - win a total of 10 medals (any color) across
all the missions.
PLAY AS SLAVE I - beat the 10 normal missions with silver medals.
PLAY AS DARTH VADER'S TIE ADVANCED - beat the 10 normal missions
with gold medals (good luck!).
PLAY AS NABOO STARFIGHTER - beat the Tattooine Training Level
(doing every task and finding all the secrets) at all the
different times of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night).