Achievement | How to unlock
A Hop, Skip and a Jump | Teleport 1000 times.
Cross the Beams | Complete the first laser minigame.
Dollhouse | Collect all of the DoomGuy Dolls.
Gib-a-licious | Telefrag into 25 demons.
Hack-Man | Complete all of the hacking minigames.
Master of One | Fully upgrade a single Combat Chassis subsystem.
Overclocker | Use an Argent Cache.
Shot Blocked | Shoot down 30 projectiles.
Spicy | Travel to Hell.
Spoiler-Proof | Complete the single player campaign on any difficulty.
Swiss Army Guy | Acquire all weapons.
Weapon Master | Use a Weapon Upgrade Station.
Welcome to the Party | Complete the first level.
Well Done | Put out the fires in the BFG central chamber.
What did you Expect? | Telefrag into a Possessed Engineer and explode.