Achievement | How to unlock
Battery hunter (50 points) | Collect 16 batteries across the game.
Blue tiles (50 points) | Step on all energy tiles on Level 8.
Call it even (80 points) | Finish even Levels 2, 4 and 6.
First steps (35 points) | Finish Level 01 (at 100%) in under 1:00
Frogger (30 points) | Jump 75 times in a level (using the same robot)
I am the one who knocks (30 points) | Run against a closed door.
In fashion (80 points) | Find the painting zone in Level 20 and change the color of 1 robot.
King Robot (130 points) | Unlock all other achievements.
Lifeguard (30 points) | Share energy when your twin is about to die.
My treasure (50 points) | Finish Level 7 without sharing energy at all.
No rush (50 points) | Press the red button at the last minute, just right before your twin gets crushed.
See ya in another life, brotha (50 points) | Finish Level 12 with your twin still trapped.
So generous (30 points) | Give almost all your energy to your twin.
The floor is lava (30 points) | Perform 10 consecutive wall jumps.
The robot always jumps twice (30 points) | Finish Level 02 in under 2: 00, with max 2 jumps per robot.
This is odd (80 points) | Finish odd Levels 1, 3 and 5.
This is soccer (80 points) | Find and kick the soccer ball in Level 11.
Two and two makes 22 (50 points) | Finish Level 22 (at 100%) in under 4m 44s.
Two on two (35 points) | Finish Level 02 (at 100%) in under 2:00