Achievement | How to unlock
All that glitters (100 points) | Acquire all of the equipment in the basic game.
An ace up the sleeve (40 points) | Select your first Skill.
Clinical (10 points) | Win a match without making an unforced error.
Collector (20 points) | Unlock all of the basic Skills at least once.
Don't miss a single coach! (40 points) | Unlock all of the basic coaches.
Easy does it... (10 points) | Make a winning shot at less than 40 km/h.
Find it in your heart (10 points) | Make a donation in Career mode.
First steps (10 points) | Win your first match in Career mode.
For me? (10 points) | Acquire your first piece of equipment.
Halfway (100 points) | Enter the Top 50 in Career mode.
In good company (40 points) | Unlock all of the basic agents.
Inception (20 points) | Negotiate a video game contract in Career mode.
Lightning reflexes (10 points) | Make 15 volleys in a row.
Like a hurricane (10 points) | Win a match without losing a game.
Long-distance runner (10 points) | Win a match without your stamina level ever going below your opponent's.
Mentor (10 points) | Create your own Tennis Academy in Career mode.
Never give up! (10 points) | Win a match after losing the first two sets.
No mercy (10 points) | Don't lose more than 5 rallies in a match.
No point running (10 points) | Win a set without sprinting.
Number 1 (100 points) | Become world No. 1 in Career mode.
Patron (40 points) | Win a charity tournament in Career mode.
Speeding (10 points) | Hit a serve at over 220 km/h.
Strategist (40 points) | Fill your 5 Skill slots.
Technical master (100 points) | Raise a Skill to level 3.
The hard worker (100 points) | Raise all of the basic coaches to maximum level.
They always come in twos (10 points) | Hire your first coach.
This is just the beginning (100 points) | Reach level 30.
Trench warfare (10 points) | Have a rally lasting more than 50 shots.
You shall not pass! (10 points) | Return an opponent's smash.