Achievement | How to unlock
100 (30 points) | Raise the multiplier in any level to the maximum value.
Armored (30 points) | Defeat Nies without receiving a single hit or energy warning.
Asteroids (30 points) | Defeat Hydra v.76736F00.
Blinker (30 points) | Perform more than 10000 jumps.
Collector (30 points) | Collect all datacubes on the space station.
Destroyer (30 points) | Obtain rank B or above in all levels.
Double Drive (30 points) | Complete a run level( either 1-3, 2-3 or 3-3) in 2 player mode.
Energy saver (30 points) | Complete 13 levels without receiving a single energy warning.
Erudite (30 points) | Collect all data cubes before fighting Nies.
Exterminator (30 points) | Obtain rank A or above in all levels.
Fan (30 points) | Read the game credits.
Firefly (30 points) | Perform more than 5000 jumps.
Ghost (30 points) | Perform more than 500 jumps.
Green power (30 points) | Complete 4 levels without receiving a single low energy warning.
Invincible (50 points) | Complete the game in Insane difficulty.
Jumper (30 points) | Perform more than 2000 jumps.
Librarian (30 points) | Collect all datacubes on the asteroids.
Lock picker (30 points) | Activate your first switch to open a door.
Master of keys (30 points) | Activate your first generator to open a door.
One (50 points) | Fire one hundred thousand bullets or more.
Pacifist (30 points) | Complete level 2-3 without killing anybody.
Planet saver (30 points) | Defeat Ancilia.
Power Saver (30 points) | Complete 8 levels without receiving a single energy warning.
Pulsar (30 points) | Perform more than 1000 jumps.
Rescuer (30 points) | Defeat Gemini Obliterator.
Saviour (50 points) | Complete the game.
Sunburnt (30 points) | Complete the escape in level 1-3 without receiving a single hit or energy warning.
Top of the class (50 points) | Collect all datacubes.
Weapon Ninja (30 points) | Unlock the Plasma weapon.
Xenocider (50 points) | Obtain rank S in all levels.