Tip 1: Hidden throughout the game are comic book icons that you can collect to unlock bonus artwork. While not all of the artwork is good, most is worth unlocking.
Tip 2: Saving innocent bystanders boosts nets you bonus red orbs or green orbs that refill your health.
Tip 3: At the end of each level your performance is ranked according to your completion time, damage received, and points earned in combat. Avoiding death and minimising damage is the best way to maximise your ranking.
Tip 4: Beat the game for the first time and you unlock the black costume, which you can use when playing through the again on Ultimate difficulty.
Tip 5: Joining the main campaign is Boss Rush mode, accessible from the Extras menu. Here you can test your skills to see how quickly you can beat each of the game's bosses.
Tip 6: If you fall during web-swinging, you can recover by sliding a finger across the screen when prompted. Similar gesture-based quick-time events occur during boss battles. |