Achievement | How to unlock
Auto Dealer (50 points) | Collect 1/2 car tag five times.
Decorator (100 points) | Unlock 50 customization items.
First Bucket Of Gold (50 points) | Won $50,000 total.
Five Star Contestant (50 points) | Win five matches.
Getting Familiar (50 points) | Solve 10 puzzles.
Gold Mine (100 points) | Won $100,000 total.
Gone Wild (50 points) | Collect wild card five times.
Hop on! (100 points) | Solve a puzzle under Express Mode.
Let's Go Shopping (50 points) | Collect gift tag five times.
New Baby Buggy (200 points) | Solve a puzzle with less than 20% letters revealed.
New Contestant (50 points) | First time to buzz in for a toss up round.
Rain Of Gold (100 points) | Won $500,000 total.
Vacation Time! (50 points) | Collect prize wedge five times.