Trophy | How to unlock | Type
A wolf among wolves | Score over 8.0 while playing any mission as a Antagonist. | Silver
Dynamic (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Alicia | Bronze
Exorcist (secret) | Complete the "Alien Myths" Campaign playing in Matchmaking mode | Silver
Genocide | Take out 5000 Soldiers | Silver
In the shadows (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Shae | Bronze
Inspired leader (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Harec | Bronze
Legendary Hero | Obtain 100000 Character Points with any Character | Silver
Mirage (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Mikah | Bronze
Multimillionaire | Obtain 150000 Gold | Silver
Natural selection | Take out 100 Raiders in a melee while playing as an Antagonist. | Silver
Refreshing! (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Dr. Kuzmann | Bronze
Rock 'n roll (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Lycus Dion | Bronze
Sensei | Take out 250 Elite Soldiers in melee | Silver
Staying power (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Hans | Bronze
Super Power | Obtain 100000 Faction Points with any Faction | Silver
Systems online (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Konstantin | Bronze
The adventure begins | Complete the "Hanging By a Thread" Mission playing in Matchmaking mode | Bronze
The top of the class | Score over 8.0 while playing any mission as a Raider. | Silver
Velvet and steel (secret) | Build a Weapon, draw three Character Cards and three Faction Cards for Ginebra | Bronze
Vigilante | Take out the Antagonist 100 times in a melee while playing as a Raider. | Silver