Achievement | How to unlock
Arachnophobia (5 points) | Defeat all the spiders in the cellar on Sorcerer's Lair! (Single player only)
Barely legit (150 points) | Max out all the upgrades and wizard powers on the same table!
Beat this! (50 points) | Win your first Matchup game!
Contender (50 points) | Post a score in an official tournament!
Feel the power (45 points) | Unlock 3 perks on any table!
Get the stars! (75 points) | Earn all stars in a Challenge mode game!
Gotta collect'em all (200 points) | Gather all the Collectibles of a table!
Here comes a new challenger (150 points) | Earn all the stars of a table's Challenge modes!
Level cap reached (75 points) | Level up any upgrade or wizard power on any table to level 10!
Master of pinballs (50 points) | Collect 35 Pinball Mastery points in total!
Nine zeros (150 points) | Earn 1,000,000,000 points combined on the tables!