Achievement | How to unlock | Points
1000 fists | Punch 1000 times | 50
Body Count Record | Kill over 836 enemies | 50
Bullet Time | Kill 6 enemies in a single slowmo | 50
Captured | Finish act 1 | 50
Catch! | Stick a mine to an enemy | 50
Dropped like a Stone | Beat the game | 100
Flawless | Complete a stage with 0 deaths | 100
Shift Master | Complete all stages with 0 deaths | 200
Shish Kabab | Pin 5 enemies to a wall with the trident | 50
Speedrunner | Beat the dev's best speedrun time 1:19:21 | 100
Surprise! | Kill an enemy with a door. | 50
There can be only one | Finish act 2 | 50
Traitor | 20 enemies die from friendly fire | 50
Yippee ki yay | Punch a guy out a window | 50