Achievement | How to unlock
133MHZ (10 points) | Install a top of the range computer in a property owned by the Major
ALL THE SIGHTS (30 points) | Play all maps for at least a year each
BABY BOOM (10 points) | Have a single tenant produce 7 children
BREAK A LEG (10 points) | Cause a foreman to retire... permanently
BROWN ENVELOPE (10 points) | Create your first Gangster Bribe
BUILT LIKE A THUG (50 points) | Have a worker knock out 5 enemy workers without dying
CAN'T GET ALONG (20 points) | Evicting your 5th tenant in one game
CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY (30 points) | Upgrade all Resources in one game
CHANGE IN HOUSING AUTHORITY (30 points) | Capture 3 rival properties
CHANGING ROOMS (10 points) | Upgrade all rooms in one property
CONTROLLED DEMOLITION (10 points) | Destroy an Undesirable Building
COOKING WITH GAS (15 points) | Fully stock all types of resources
DOWN WITH THIS KIND OF THING (30 points) | Picket 3 rival resources simultaneously
EVERYONE NEEDS GOOD NEIGHBORS (30 points) | Have 3 or more tenants with positive moods on one development
GODFATHER INFLUENCE (30 points) | Produce 3 Gangsters
GOOD DOG (15 points) | Have a guard dog protect a property
GRAND DESIGNS (30 points) | Build your first commission
HEAVY INDUSTRY (15 points) | Upgrade a Resource
HIGH ROLLER (90 points) | Earn 100,000 in rent during a calendar year
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (15 points) | Maximize the efficiency of a foreman's work force
HOUSING AUTHORITY LETTER (15 points) | Accomplish a housing authority mission
INFESTED COLON (30 points) | Cause infestation of 3 properties on Upper Colon development
JAILBIRD (15 points) | Get your first inmate
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER (30 points) | Produce a Super-Tenant
LANDLORD FROM HELL (30 points) | 10 or more simultaneous complaining tenants
MAXIMUM SECURITY (30 points) | Get 5 police officers patrolling
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (10 points) | Win a game
NEW TOWN SYMMETRY (20 points) | Build 5 developments with 100% land usage
NO MORE COMPLAINING (15 points) | Solve your first tenant complaint and be rewarded
PACKING HEAT (90 points) | Produce a fully weaponized Gangster
PARTY LIKE IT'S 1997 (15 points) | Start an undesired house party
SELF-ASSESSMENT (30 points) | Pay $50,000 in Tax Bills
TOUGH ENOUGH ? (90 points) | Build a commission at the original hardcore difficulty
TRUMPED (90 points) | Build 100 properties