Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item.
Bunny Ears: Accumulate 6,750 total points in World 2.
Cool Shades: Accumulate 72,000 total points in World 3.
Cop Helmet: Earn a Gold Medal.
Cybervisor: Earn a Tin Medal.
Denton Shades: Earn a Gold Medal.
FlavoDew Hat: Earn a Platinum Medal.
Garish Hood: Earn a Tin Medal.
Green Mohawk: Earn a Bronze Medal.
Hovercycle Helm: Earn a Silver Medal.
Kleiner Glasses: Earn a Bronze Medal.
Miner's Cap: Accumulate 12,000 total points in World 1.
Pilot Visor: Earn a Silver Medal.
Pirate Hat: Accumulate 1,100 total points in World 2.
Red Cap: Accumulate 12,000 total points in World 3.
RoboGnome: Earn a Platinum Medal.
Top Hat: Accumulate 72,000 total points in World 1.
Ancient Mask: Earn a Silver Medal.
Bowler and Specs: Earn a Bronze Medal.
Bunny Ears: Accumulate 6,750 total points in World 2.
Conquistador: Earn a Platinum Medal.
Cool Shades: Accumulate 72,000 total points in World 3.
Death Helm: Earn a Platinum Medal.
Fedora: Earn a Tin Medal.
Giant Banana: Earn a Gold Medal.
Miner's Cap: Accumulate 12,000 total points in World 1.
Monkey Hat: Earn a Bronze Medal.
Peacock Crown: Earn a Gold Medal.
Pirate Hat: Accumulate 1,100 total points in World 2.
Red Cap: Accumulate 12,000 total points in World 3.
Safari: Earn a Tin Medal.
Snake Head: Earn a Silver Medal.
Top Hat: Accumulate 72,000 total points in World 1.
Bunny Ears: Accumulate 6,750 total points in World 2.
Cool Shades: Accumulate 72,000 total points in World 3.
Cthuloid Mask: Earn a Bronze Medal.
Dark Hood: Earn a Silver Medal.
Diving Bell: Earn a Gold Medal.
Duster: Earn a Tin Medal.
Elegant Hat: Earn a Gold Medal.
Ghost Captain: Earn a Platinum Medal.
Masked Hunter: Earn a Platinum Medal.
Miner's Cap: Accumulate 12,000 total points in World 1.
Parasol: Earn a Bronze Medal.
Pirate Hat: Accumulate 1,100 total points in World 2.
Red Cap: Accumulate 12,000 total points in World 3.
Silver Mask: Earn a Silver Medal.
Sun Bonnet: Earn a Tin Medal.
Top Hat: Accumulate 72,000 total points in World 1. |