Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Bloodsport | Play through any World, taking damage on each level, but don't pick up any health kits. | 60
Dead or alive, you're coming with me! | Kill 1987 bad guys with Bionic Cop, without dying. | 60
Die Hard. | Kill any boss with the last bullet in your gun. | 20
Do it now! | Kill Yatcha Queen solo, using only melee attacks. | 80
Game over man, game over! | Get every other achievement in the game. | 60
Get to the Choppa! | Deal with a Choppa! | 5
Groovy! | Complete any World using only the Sawn-off and the Chainsaw. | 100
I don't need the gun! | Defeat Gordon Bennette using only melee attacks. | 65
I'm an ordinary guy | Burn down an Objective Building. | 30
Knock knock! | Kill an enemy within 2 seconds of starting a level. | 10
Lethal Weapon | Kill every bad guy in a level using only one of your weapons. | 5
Only in a re-run | Complete NG+ | 55
Sensational! | Defeat 10 enemies in Killionaire by getting them to kill each other with their weapons. | 25
Stick Around! | Play through the entire game in one session with 3 friends. | 90
That's not a knife. This is a knife | Get the most melee kills in a multiplayer game. | 110
The best kind of Tomorrow | Achieve a bodycount of 199 in a single World. | 50
This is heavy | Use the Matrix 80 for the first time. | 45
To Hell With You! | Defeat Old Ramishar using only melee attacks. | 50
What Day Is It? The Date! What Year? | Kill 120584 enemies. | 70
You know what I like best? The price. | Buy a gun priced over $50000. | 10