Trophy | How to unlock | Type
Again! | Finish New Game Plus. | Gold
Checkpointless | Destroy every possible checkpoint in the game. | Gold
Curio Conquest | Use only curios to defeat any Boss Specter Knight is trying to recruit! | Bronze
Darkslide | Land all 3 rail tricks in a single grind. | Bronze
Get Out Of My Room! | Find Specter Knight's secret room! | Gold
Harvest of Heights | Chain together multiple targets with dash slashes 500 times. | Bronze
Hurry Up! | Beat the game within 1 hour and 30 minutes. | Gold
Inhuman Resources | Speak with every recruit within the Tower. | Bronze
Make A Killing | Without replaying any stage or minigame, finish the game while holding 60,000 gold or more. | Gold
Melancholy | Reminisce and remain still on the Tower's Rooftop for 30 seconds. | Bronze
Naked Specter | Finish the game without acquiring any will or darkness upgrades. | Gold
No Damage! | Finish any main Stage without taking damage. | Silver
Reaper of Renown | Earn all other Trophies. | Platinum
Scythe Economy | Complete any Order of No Quarter recruit stage using your standing slash 10 times or fewer. Dash Slashes are ok! | Bronze
Skull Seeker | Find and return all Red Skulls. | Gold
Spec'd Out | Acquire all armor, curios, and upgrades. | Silver
Spirit of Giving | Fill both of the tower's mysterious jars. | Bronze
Untouched | Emerge unscathed from a battle with any boss besides Black Knight! | Bronze
Vector Victor | Reach the top of the climbing mini game. | Silver
Victory! | Finish the game. | Gold
Wisp Whisperer | Obtain all Darkness and Will Upgrades from within the stages. | Silver